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谁的后院?Whose Backyard?

禁止在后院放烟火。Forgo backyard fireworks.

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不要在后院掘地。No digging in the backyard.

这是千湖之鳄的后院。This is windkoo's backyard.

然后我又看到“后院”这个词。Then I see the word backyard.

我把汽车停在后院。I parked the car in the backyard.

一个很好的场所就是你的后院。One great place is your backyard.

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燃气炉在后院为烧烤而设。Gas stub for Barbeque in Backyard.

她的侄女在后院喊叫起来。her niece hollers from the backyard.

我们在后院有一个魔法雪堆。We have a magic snowbank in our backyard.

在后院我们有一个神奇的雪花银行。We have a magic snowbank in our backyard.

他把一辆手推车推到了后院。He trundled a wheelbarrow to the backyard.

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两个男孩子在后院露营,他们不知道到了晚上几点钟。The two boys were camping in the backyard.

大卫补充道,如果他们愿意可以来我家后院。They can come to my backyard if they want.

他们决定在后院重新种上花草。They decided to revegetate in the backyard.

鸭子和鹅在后院泥水中翻腾。The ducks and geese puddled in the backyard.

他在后院里同儿子玩传接球游戏。He played catch with his son in the backyard.

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我家后院又见蓝花藤盛开。Sandpaper Vine at my backyard blooming again.

麻雀在后院里吱吱喳喳的叫。The sparrows were chattering in the backyard.

小明家的后院有九棵树。There are nine trees in Xiao Ming's backyard.