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引人注目的样式因素都是额外的。All the stylistic eye candy was extra.

话轮转换是新兴的戏剧文体学分析方法。Turn-taking analysis is a method to study drama stylistic.

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年前一种新建筑风格的爆发震撼了整个巴塞罗那城。A stylistic explosion was convulsing Barcelona 100 years ago.

不过我们可以找寻到一些特定的音乐风格。However, there are certain stylistic touches one can look for.

韩礼德的系统功能观为这一问题的解决提供了很好的视角。All these are properly solved by Halliday's stylistic theories.

此款酒用德国雷司令酿造。The stylistic vision of this wine is that of the Germanic Rieslings.

他们也给了他,就如他所说,诗意安排的体验“They also gave him, as he put it, "stylistic arrangements of experience."

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但是,他风格上的无节制已经被历史的薄雾所遮蔽。But his stylistic excesses have been obscured by the gauzy haze of history.

但是,在这个时代,最有风格的偶像非纳什莫属。But the stylistic idol of this era of point guards will most certainly be Nash.

此款酒用俄勒冈产阿尔萨斯白皮诺酿造。The stylistic vision of this wine is an "Oregon version" of Alsatian Pinot Gris.

在过去的历史话剧,这主要是册封的文体创新。In the history of drama, it is primarily canonized for its stylistic innovations.

李已经成为风格多样的音乐人,她尝试的曲风从拉丁,摇滚到R&B。Lee has been a stylistic chameleon, dabbling in styles from Latin to rock to R&B.

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名称空间前缀的使用是可选的,但是这更像是一种风格上的选择。The use of namespace prefixes is optional, but it's more than just a stylistic choice.

追求异国情调是英国浪漫主义文学中的一种普遍趋势和文风。There is a prevalent stylistic trend towards exoticism in British Romantic literature.

令是下行公文中的一种,以简炼朴实为风格特征。Ling was a style of official documents, with its concise and simple stylistic features.

可见萧纲诗也存在着一定的多样化的风格特征。And on the basis of that, diversified stylistic features of Xiao Gang's poems are formed.

第二章为论文提供理论框架,即语体学及语域分析理论。Chapter two provides stylistic and register theories needed for the analysis of Netspeak.

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然后,研究网站可用性的大师就会现身,把癖恋风格造成的恶果归咎于设计。Then the usability gurus step in, blaming Design for the failings of stylistic fetishism.

吸收那些你喜欢的风格鲜明的视觉要素,将它们融入到你的观点中去。Take those stylistic elements you like and then integrate them into your own point of view.

鉴于此,作者的谨小慎微与其说一种文体风格的选择,不如说是一种道德上的抉择。In light of them, her famous circumspection looks less like a stylistic than a moral choice.