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我迷惑地眯着眼睛望去。I squinted in confusion.

那么为何会有混淆呢?So why all the confusion?

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只是我的心很乱。But my heart into confusion.

那么,困惑究竟为何?What, then, is confusion for?

抱歉让您白跑一趟。I'm sorry a bout the confusion.

看见晨雾有多苍莽。See how morning mist confusion.

我们对这次失误很抱歉。I am sorry about this confusion.

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情况这么混乱,让我怎么动手呀?How can I start in such confusion?

会议在一片混乱中散了。The meeting broke up in confusion.

但困惑真的是一种情绪吗?But is confusion really an emotion?

会议在混乱中休会。The meeting adjourned in confusion.

错误的印刷导致很大的混淆。The misprint led to great confusion.

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这个印刷错误造成很大混淆。This misprint led to great confusion.

含糊导致混乱和困惑。Ambiguity leads to mess and confusion.

会议在混乱中闭会。The conference adjourned in confusion.

使我们自此造作的迷惑里缓解。Relieve us of this contrived confusion.

这真是巴别塔式的语言的混乱!A really Babylonic confusion of tongues!

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通常形容的是一种混乱的状态。A state of confusion and disorderliness.

他的到来引起一场大乱。His arrival created a terrible confusion.

喝一口你将超越混乱,重新醒来。Drink and be whole again beyond confusion.