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并且荨麻需要什么呢?And what is required for the nettle?

荨麻在嫩时,叶子是一种非常好吃的蔬菜。Nettle cloth is as good as linen cloth.

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他们都是迎着艰险上的英雄。They are all heroes grasping the nettle.

我们需要当机立断,攻破狱政改革这个难题。We need to grasp the nettle of prison reform.

这就是伯里特和奈特博士所做的。And that is what Mr Pollet and Dr Nettle have done.

橙色太平洋水母像明星一样光彩照人。The orange Pacific sea nettle is radiant as a star.

贫困的区人口面临两种困境,内特尔说道。People in deprived areas face two kinds of hazard, Nettle says.

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她是一棵受过僧衣挨蹭的荨麻。She was a nettle in which the rustle of the cassock was visible.

再试试其他的自然方法,比如用刺荨麻来减缓充血。Try other natural remedies such as stinging nettle to relieve congestion.

邪恶的思想已不能再在这心里滋长,正如荨麻不能生在冰山上。An unworthy thought can no more germinate in it, than a nettle on a glacier.

消风散具有明显的止痒和抗实验性荨麻疹作用。Xiaofengsan could obviously relieve itching, and resist experimental nettle rash.

风疹是一种很常见的传染性疾病,主要在春季发病。Nettle rash is a kind of very common infectivity disease, basically be inSpringCome on.

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荨麻含丰富的碘质,矿物质、维他命及叶绿素,能滋润整个甲状腺。Nettle is rich in iodine, minerals, vitamins and chlorophyll and nourishes thyroid gland.

诸如Cryptoapi和Nettle等许多现存API的良好设计都做了这方面改编。Many good ideas from existing APIs such as Cryptoapi and Nettle have been adapted for this.

我花了两个星期走过这荆棘之路,最后我意识到哈兹里特那家伙是坐着马车完成这旅程的。I spent two weeks slogging through nettle beds before I realised the bastard had taken the coach.

G20拥护者指出,该集团有史以来首次迎击了汇率问题.Boosters note approvingly that the group, for the first time, grasped the nettle of exchange rates.

如果你被咬人狗或咬人猫咬到,可以涂上姑婆芋的根部,这样就不会刺痛。If you get stung by this nettle you can treat it with the stalks of elephant ear plant, and it won't itch.

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但是那个毫无尊敬之心的纳特金,开始跳上跳下,用一根荨麻呵老布朗痒,并且唱道。But Nutkin, who had no respect, began to dance up and down, tickling old Mr. Brown with a nettle and singing.

在妊娠3个月之后得了风疹,风疹病毒可能导致各种病变。In gravid nettle rash was gotten after 3 months, nettle rash virus may cause all sorts of pathological change.

哈塞尔顿和丹纽认为,进化,作为生命的工程师,把男人的推理系统也设计成这样。Haselton and Nettle argue that evolution, as the engineer of life, has designed men’s inference system similarly.