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买场面土地的过程叫“财产转让”。The process of buy and selling land be ' conveyancing '.

买场面土地的过程叫“财产转让”。The process of buy and selling land is ' conveyancing '.

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她从事产权转让和法律起草事务,我则从事诉讼。She practised conveyancing and draftsmanship, I did litigation.

转让,诚如其字,是指将不动产让与给新的所有权人的行为。Conveyancing , as the name implies, is the act of transferring property to a new owner.

其法律服务通常根据国内价值按照固定的价格提供的。Its conveyancing services are generally offered at a fixed price according to the value of the home.

推行业权注册制度,加强保障土地及物业的权益,以及精简业权转易程序。Introducing a title registration system to give greater security to interests in land and property and simplify conveyancing.

最受雇主爱戴的法律秘书是具有相关陪训和丰富经验比如诉讼和转让程序等。The most employable and promotable legal secretaries have specific training and experience in litigation and conveyancing procedures.

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通关完毕后乙方负责把货物安全运输至广西柳州市的仓库。The customs clearance after complete the second party is responsible for conveyancing goods safety to the warehouse of state City, Guangxi.

但小镇律师的生活,整天羁绊于完成财产转让的法律手续和遗嘱认证的琐事,反而赋予了亨利·比尔德更为宁静的生活。But the life of a small-town solicitor, absorbed by matters of conveyancing and probate, settled on Henry Beard an even greater tranquillity.

最后,AA也为其法律和立遗嘱服务采用固定价格系统,而人身伤害诉讼则以“不赢不收费”为基础。Finally, the AA also uses a fixed fee system for its conveyancing and will-writing service, with personal injury claims offered on a "no win, no fee" basis.

提供全方位的法律服务,服务领域涉及海事海商、国际贸易、保险、仲裁和诉讼、银行与金融、公司法和劳动雇佣事务、房地产交易等。Full range of legal services including those relating to shipping & admiralty, international trade, insurance, arbitration & litigation, banking & finance, company law, employment law, conveyancing.