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那没有关系,我就要沙波萝啤酒。That's okay. I'll have Sapporo beer.

札幌连锁菓子店!Famous chain shop selling snack in Sapporo.

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札幌中心其中一间包罗万有的百货公司!One of the all-inclusive shopping mall in Sapporo center!

您将有时间到北海道最大的地下购物商场去逛一逛及购物。Time will be given to explore Sapporo Underground Shopping Mall.

我们休息了整整一天然后去了札幌的冰雪节。We spent a day resting and going to the Snow Festival in Sapporo.

第8届亚冬会将于2月19日至26日在日本札幌和带广举办。The 8th AWG will be held in Sapporo and Obihiro during Feb. 19-26.

如今,每逢二月,札榥便成为一个冷飕飕的热门景点。Now, during the month of February, Sapporo becomes a cold hot spot.

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国泰航空公司来回香港至札幌机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Sapporo on CX.

第8届亚冬会将于2月19日至26日在日本札幌和带广举办。Thee 8th AWG will be held in Sapporo and Obihiro during Feb. 19-26.

最后的装饰便是灯光效果,将札榥装点成冬季的梦幻乐园。The final touch is the lighting, which makes Sapporo look like a winter dreamland.

这将是人类历史上的首款太空啤酒。It will be the first space beer, " Sapporo executive Junichi Ichikawa told reporters."

红色的大火烈鸟以及它们的子嗣温暖地生活在札幌动物园。Japan—Scarlet greater flamingos and their Chilean relatives get cozy at the Sapporo Maruyama Zoo.

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1986年亚冬会在日本札幌市举行,之前札幌市有过主办冬季奥运会的经验。These games were held in Japan in Sapporo city in 1986, a city with previous experience in the Winter Olympic.

其实我最喜欢啤酒,也喝过很多牌子的啤酒,像贝克、喜力、福士和扎幌啤酒。Actually, beer is my favorite, and I've tried many kinds of beer such as Beck's Heineken, Foster's and Sapporo.

这些外地人中有一部分也曾在札幌参加过这样的葬礼,对这种隆重的,给予逝者单独关注的下葬方式很有感触。Some of these people had attended funerals in the Sapporo area and liked the proper, personal attention given to the deceased.

英格兰报了1986年和1998年两次不敌阿根廷之仇,在札幌,贝克汉姆打进点球帮助球队1-0胜出。England avenged their 1986 and 1998 defeats against Argentina when David Beckham's penalty sealed a 1-0 group victory in Sapporo.

札幌的街道呈棋盘布局,井然有序,整个城市被绿色环绕,满眼望去郁郁葱葱、花香四溢。The streets are checkerboard Sapporo layout, sleek, the whole city surrounded by green, the eyeful solarized lush and green, rose-briar.

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但我想说的是,就普通质量的日常生活而言,不大不小的城市,比如我现在居住的札幌市,会是更好的选择。But I' d say that for general quality of living, cities of neither too large nor too small, like Sapporo where I live, are better choices.

2月5日,一名男子在第60届日本札幌冰雪节上为一个冰雕刻成的“冰箱”拍照,这个“冰箱”里放的都是真鱼真虾。A man takes a photo of an ice sculpture with real fish frozen inside during the 60th Sapporo Snow Festival on February 5, 2009 in Sapporo, Japan.

一位滑雪者在一次跳跃的世界杯跳山在仓山2011年1月14日正式比赛滑雪训练课之前,札幌的天际线。A skier jumps before the Sapporo skyline during an official training session of the World Cup ski jumping competition at Okurayama Hill January 14, 2011.