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他们想要神告诉他们怎样以神喜悦的方式服侍他。They want God to tell them how to serve Him acceptably.

下一个任务是确保系统在一个可接受的水平上运行。The next task was to ensure that the system performed acceptably.

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哪些情况可以在不进行根源分析的前提下以可接受的方式加以处理?Which situations can be acceptably handled without root cause analysis?

虽说不上个个符合自己的胃口,但还是可以选一个来用。Though none of them tallies with my taste, a choice was acceptably taken.

如果你希望了解这些,我们觉得可以给予这个信息。If you will understand this, we feel that the information may be acceptably offered.

这些天来,所有的设备是可以接受的单位的最重要组成部分,音频范围。These days, all gear is acceptably flat over the most important parts of the audio range.

预应力筋必须对应力腐蚀的敏感度在可接受的较低水平。P Prestressing tendons shall have an acceptably low level of susceptibility to stress corrosion.

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与各领域的领导合作,策划一个相互都可以接受的解决方案。B. Work with leadership from each area to collaboratively engineer a mutually acceptably solution.

当然,很多应用程序可以实现某种权衡,从而获得可接受的轮询方法。Of course, a reasonable balance can be found for many applications, and polling works acceptably well.

我们若要事奉主并蒙悦纳,圣灵于我们是不可缺少的,祂膏我们去作一切圣工。The Holy Spirit, who anoints us for all holy service, is indispensable to us if we would serve the Lord acceptably.

Hoffmans网站包括一个可接受在部分遮荫,为他们生产的蔬菜,花卉和草药的清单。The Hoffmans' website includes a list of vegetables, flowers and herbs that have produced acceptably for them in partial shade.

霍夫曼的网站包括一系列在部分荫凉下产量也不错的蔬菜、鲜花和药草。The Hoffmans' website includes a list of vegetables, flowers and herbs that have produced acceptably for them in partial shade.

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水也能改善焦深,也就是当光阻剂上的影像具有可接受的清晰度时,镜头与影像之间的距离。Water also improves the depth of focus —the distances from the camera at which the image projected onto the photoresist stays acceptably sharp.

陶彻同时指出,布什政府还没有提出对替代方案的评估,或者认定这个系统已经试验证明可以有效运行。Tauscher also says the administration has not yet provided a review of alternatives,or certified that the system has been acceptably tested for operational effectiveness.

它们将使你面对考虑不那麽常规的问题的挑战,并提供给你们练习恰当的书写数学解题过程的机会。They are intended to challenge you to think about problems that are a bit less routine than regular ones, and to give you some practice in writing mathematics acceptably.

另外一套法律和规章平衡雇员保住工作的权利和雇主解雇表现不良的雇员的权利。Another set of laws and rules govern the balance of the rights of employees to keep their jobs and the rights of employers to fire workers who aren’t performing acceptably.

因此,人们期望通过设计手段保证系统在发生故障的时候仍能可以接受的性能指标运行,即控制系统是容错的。It is expected to design system which can operate " acceptably well" despite any component failures or environmental disterbences, That is to say these systems are fault-tolerant.

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我们可能会说对磁盘的命名应该可以找到一种更好的方案,我们也可能希望Windows使用和URL中一样的正向斜杠,但是这两个方案最终都工作在人们可以接受的范围之内。We might argue that a nicer scheme could be developed for naming disks, and we would probably prefer Windows to use the same forward slashes that URLs do, but both choices work acceptably enough.