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这套书也让我开始寻找更多的中国科幻小说。It's made me go looking for more Chinese SF too.

与此同时,在建的旧金山湾大桥东边部分长2。Meanwhile the new SF Bay Bridge eastern span is 2.

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我们也不想限制你对科学小说的翻译。We don't want to limit your interpretation of SF either.

各位,我们现在有必要成立顺丰英语俱乐部了。Ladies and gentlemen, we now need to establish SF English clubs.

CGLIB的代理包也对net.sf.cglib.proxy.Mixin提供支持。The proxy package also provides support for net.sf.cglib.proxy.Mixin.

斯耐德对我们是一个很好的补充。他将是一个很不错的替补小前锋。Snyder is a great addition to this team. He will be a great Backup SF.

当然,你可能想争论在下面的评论中是什么定义了科学小说。Of course, you might want to debate what defines SF in the comments below.

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可以看到泛美金字塔在旧金山海湾的倒影耶!Hey, you can actually see the reflection of the Transamerica Pyramid on the SF Bay!

科幻小说作家应该着眼未来,随时把它攥在手中。Sf writers are supposed to be soaked in the future, ready to come to grips with it.

既然周末进城了,自然是想“烧香看和尚,一事两勾当”。Overall, I think the one in SF J-town is more of a cultural event than anything else.

成为顺丰海外公司的管理者,有机会回到祖国工作。Become managers of SF overseas companies, have the show of return to homeland to work.

黄腐酸钠对急性出血坏死性胰腺炎有明显疗效。It was found that SF had beneficial effects on acute haemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis.

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在你开始之前,我们要求一些我们喜欢的作家来提出哪些是伟大的科学小说。To get you started, we have asked some of our favourite writers to suggest their SF greats.

高粘性的开式齿轮润滑剂。无溶剂和沥青。CEPLATTYN SF 30 Sprayable, high viscous lubricant for open gears. Free of solvent and bitumen.

您的故事总是完美地结合了硬科幻的高越概念和以人物角色为重心的文艺书写。Your story always well combine the character-oriented literary fiction and high-concept hard SF.

可以这么说,除了海因莱因和诺顿,我其实在迷科幻之前已经迷上了奇幻故事。So in a way, except for Heinlein and Norton, I was actually a fantasy fan before I was an SF fan.

提示苦参在一定浓度范围内有选择性抗白血病效应。The results indicate that an appropriate concentration of SF has a selective antileukemic effect.

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毕大德博士与国家食品药品监督管理局孙咸泽司长访问南昌大学食品技术中心。Dr. brian bedard visited food technology center of nanchang university with dg sun xianze of sf da.

小奥尼尔已经不再年轻,所以我认为热会会更多的让自拍狂比斯利去打小前锋位置。所以我认为将会组成这样一个阵容。Jermaine O'Neal isn't getting any younger and I think the Heat will try Beasley at SF one more time.

有旧金山的引航员在船上,和一个中国水手,他们应该没有问题找到弯曲大桥。Well with a SF Pilot on board and a crew from China, they should have no problem finding the bay bridge.