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一个弹药箱包括5个弹夹。An ammo box holds 5 clips.

你成箱购买廉价弹丅药。You buy cheap ammo by the case.

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机炮的弹药快用完了。Machine gun ammo almost depleted.

我们需要弹药,而且士官长还在外面!We need ammo and Chief's outta here!

首先,破坏需要消耗时间和弹药。First, destruction takes time and ammo.

这里你可以看到空的弹药箱。Here you can see the empty ammo crates.

没有人会给予敌人杀自己的子弹。Nothng like giving our enemy ammo to kill us with.

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你简直就是温切斯特连发布枪。机炮里一颗子弹都没得列。Snow Blaze, you're Winchester. Zero machine gun ammo left.

我去给我们俩找两支新枪和弹药来。I'll go find us a couple of nice new rifles and fresh ammo.

迫击炮炮弹搬运兵应担负起炮组的保卫任务。The mortar ammo bearers should provide security to the gun team.

一个小补血包及小弹药包可以从楼梯旁找到。A small health kit and ammo box can be found underneath the gantry.

携带弹药箱支援他和他的盟友。The armored bring along and ammo box to support him and his allies.

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工程师携带弹药箱支援他和他的盟友。The engineer bring along and ammo box to support him and his allies.

一个生锈盒子里装着一台真空泵,用来捕获喷气孔冒出的烟羽。A vacuum pump, housed in a rusty ammo box, captured a fumarole's plume.

你把你的弹药从黑克兰一个农夫的田里挖出来并且它状况杰出。You dig your ammo out of a farmer's field in Ukraine and it works just fine.

由于携带的弹药有限,你应该尽量和突击兵在一起以获取补给。Stay Close to a Rifleman as you don't have much ammo for your Heavy AT Weapon.

小组声波弹药减少到有效射程300-400米,但它的价值。Sub-sonic ammo decreases effective range down to 300-400 meters, but it's worth.

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一个小补血包及小弹药包可以从楼梯旁找到。A small health kit and a medium ammo crate can be found at the foot of the stairs.

可以移除已锚定的岗哨炮和弹道炮塔上的弹药。It is now possible to remove ammo from anchored sentry guns and missile batteries.

因此如果你想要一支反器材步枪,特殊弹药是一个有前途的领域。Thus if you want a material destruction rifle, special ammo is an area of promise.