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什么可以止痒消肿?。What can stop urticant detumescence?

皮肤骚痒有什么办法解决?Is skin coquettish urticant what method is solved?

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我的拇指根微痛带点痒什么原因?Does small painful band nod my big toe root urticant what reason?

涂了洁面乳后.脸会发热.还有点痒.这是正常的吗?After besmearing clean face breeds. The face will be calorific . A bit urticant still. Is this normal?

当被毒蚊子咬了后好痒好痛该用什么止痒止痛?Good after was bitten by poisonous mosquito urticant very painful with what should stop urticant acetanilide ?

家人手上有红色的小点点,有时奇痒难忍,如何根治?。Domestic person has gules bit place on the hand , surprise sometimes urticant bear hard, how to effect a radical cure?

经常在电脑前,眼睛有点痒有点涩用那种眼药水比较好,刺激小。Often be before computer, the eye is a bit urticant a bit acerbity better with the sort of eyedrop , stimulation is small.

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对腋窝机械性刺激,也可以引起躯干广泛的瘙痒感和欣快感。To axillary and mechanical sexual excitement, also can cause truncal and extensive Sao urticant feeling and glad pleasure.

我的腋下不知道长了些什么都是红斑,还很痒,别人说是癣。要是改怎么治啊?能够断根。My alar knowing what to grow is erythema, very urticant still, people says is tinea. How be if change, treated? Can be completely cured.

典型的过敏反应,服用开瑞坦,外用止痒水,重者需静注葡萄糖酸钙。Typical allergy reacts take lucky level external use stops urticant water the person that weigh needs static note dextrose acerbity calcium.

典型的过敏反应,服用开瑞坦,外用止痒水,重者需静注葡萄糖酸钙。Typical allergy reacts, take lucky level, external use stops urticant water, the person that weigh needs static note dextrose acerbity calcium.

我的胳膊上有一片一片的小疙瘩,也不痒不疼,抹上药膏就好了,但是不抹又出来了,没有颜色。There is a little a knot in one's heart on my arm, not urticant also do not ache, on ointment is good, but do not wipe came out again, without color.

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它和“自家痒感”不同,前者用力搔抓也不解痒,后者轻轻摩擦或搔抓就可以止痒。It and " oneself itch feeling " differs, former scratch forcibly catch also indissoluble urticant, latter chafes gently or scratch catch can stop urticant.

先有咽喉抓痒感及灼烧感,上腹部灼烧感或疼痛,其后出现胃肠炎症状,剧烈呕吐、腹泻。First pharynx and larynx stresses urticant feeling and calcination feeling, epigastrium calcination feels or ache, appear ever since gastroenteritis symptom, acuteness vomiting, diarrhoea.

我的脸好痒噢,有点干痒,而且有点红的,过一天之后就会掉皮,好难受噢,谁能告诉我怎么办啊,我太讨厌去医院了。My face is very urticant Oh, dot doing itchs, and a bit red, the skin can be dropped after passing one day, very afflictive Oh, can tell me how to do, I too be fed up with go to a hospital.