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在有些人看来,用草药治病纯属江湖医术。To some people, herbal medicine is quackery.

一些科学家把灵学归类到骗术范围。Some scientists relegate parapsychology to the sphere of quackery.

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一些科学家把灵学归类到骗术范围。Some scientists relegate parapsychology to the sphere of quackery.

所谓的循证医学已经成为当今的庸医骗术。So-called "evidence-based medicine" has become modern-day quackery.

民众受骗术的事多次见报,但却无揭穿骗术的奥秘所在。People are intoxicated thing repeatedly reported, but no expose quackery mystery.

现在是结束现代药物利用骗术从人们的痛苦中牟利的时间了。It's time to end the quackery of modern medicine and the profiteering from human suffering.

其旨趣主要是致力于传播揭露骗术信息,这些信息在本网站之外很难或者不可能被找到。Its primary focus is on quackery -related information that is difficult or impossible to get elsewhere.

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一些人批评说用机器人解决老龄化问题就像是利用高科技骗人。There are critics who describe the robot cure for an aging society as little more than high-tech quackery.

他是打着‘全面保健’的旗号,实际上推行的是‘快速修复’理念,完全是招摇撞骗。Under the banner of holistic and integrative healthcare, he thus promotes a 'quick fix' and outright quackery.

是时候永远禁止药物广告了,保护美国人免受各种各样的药物广告欺骗。It is time to ban drug ads for good, and protect Americans from the fraudulent hype, propaganda and quackery of pharmaceutical medicine.

拉哈伊的出版读物也许掺杂着江湖冒牌医术的成分和伪科学色彩,但那并不排除对情人们一些真诚、智慧的指导——尤其是对没有性经验的人们。LaHaye's books have their share of quackery and pseudoscience, but that does not preclude some genuinely wise counsel to lovers--especially inexperienced ones.

阿司匹林是一种不需处方,在每家超市柜台都有出售的药丸,用其治疗严重的循环系统疾病,看起来如同江湖医术。Using aspirin, an over-the-counter pill on sale in every supermarket without a prescription, to treat serious circulatory disease may seem almost like quackery.

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草药崛起的问题在于缺乏系统的学习,庸医和政府缺乏对草药制剂产品的质量要求。The trouble with herbal medicines arises from a lack of reputable scientific study, a lot of quackery and a lack of Government regulations on the quality and claims of herbal preparations.

自然疗法将顺势疗法、传统中医、草药医学、食疗迷信,而且只要是你能够想象得到的骗术,全部混合成骗术罪恶的纯粹伪科学泥浆。Naturopathy mixes homeopathy, TCM, herbalism, diet woo, and just about every other form of quackery you can think of, mixing it into one homogenous pseudoscientific slurry of quacky badness.

然而他的研究——将令人困惑的计算机辅助运算和简单常识统统结合在一起——让我相信,仍不应将经济预测完全归为骗术。A heady mix of bewildering computer-assisted mathematics and straightforward common sense has convinced me that economic forecasting shouldn't be consigned to the realm of quackery quite yet.

尽管在这个减肥法周围有许多骗人的行为,但是它的确是一个非常简单方法,吃营养的食物,如水果、蔬菜和整谷粒,结合量的控制和锻炼。Despite all of the quackery surrounding the diet, it’s actually a very simple method of eating nutritious foods like fruit, vegetables, and whole grains, combined with portion control and exercise.