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缩短你的跨步。Shorten your stride.

我像巨人一般大步大步地踏地前行。I stride the earth like a colossus.

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但是我转念一想,就能泰然处之。But other days, I took it in stride.

现在我从容的接受批评。Now I take criticism right in stride.

他跨出一大步,可激发他的思维。He took a stride to inspirit his wits.

鲁本迈着大步,下定决心。There was purpose in his loping stride.

对于这种大跨步,我已经习惯了。And to this stride I had got accustomed.

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他一个箭步出了房间。In a big stride he came out of the room.

跨越,跨过或跨得比…远。To stride over, across, or farther than.

试着在奔跑的时候缩短步幅。Try shortening your stride when you run.

他急忙赶上去,同她并肩走着。He caught up and walked in stride with her.

这是由于你前进的步幅有所增加的缘故。It is your stride length that has increased.

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因为梦想,所以飞翔。我不能飞,但我可以健步如飞!I could not fly, but I can stride vigorously.

让我们携起手来,朝着上述目标不断前进!Let us join hands to stride towards such a goal.

我们将沿着这条道路坚定不移地奋勇前进。We will stride forward unswervingly along this road.

资本主义卡夫丁峡谷究竟能否跨越?。Can We Really Stride over Caudine Forks of Capitalism?

您的双臂可以帮助您保持离地低的小步幅。Your arms can help you keep your stride low and short.

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与此同时,老布什总统正在马不停蹄地出访。Meanwhile, President Bush was going out in full stride.

威力强大的AMP机甲和士兵大步穿过惨遭蹂躏的森林,朝一切会动的物体猛烈开火。POWERSUITS and TROOPERS stride through the ravaged forest

让我们团结起来,阔步向前,为着最后的胜利!Let's join together and stride ahead for the final victory!