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速记员的举动很奇怪。The stenographer acted very queerly.

法院速记员做了审判记录。The court stenographer registered the trial proceedings.

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年轻女郎给马克斯韦尔当速记员已经有一年。The young lady had been Maxwell's stenographer for a year.

那位年轻姑娘给麦克斯韦尔当速记员已经有一年了。The young lady had been Maxwell’s stenographer for a year.

那位年轻姑娘给麦克斯韦尔当速记员已经有一年了。Thee young lady had been Maxwell's stenographer for a year.

“我希望你为我把它打出来,”他说,“你打得比任何速记员都好一千倍。You know how a thousand times better than any stenographer.

现在他只需要一个速记员帮忙把这一切理清。Now he just needed a stenographer to help make sense of it all.

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他箭步冲进里间办公室,向速记员的办公桌冲过去。He dashed into the inner office. He charged upon the desk of the stenographer.

这篇审判的报道是从速记员的笔记中抄录而来的。The account of the trial was transcribed from the stenographer 's shorthand notes.

速记员可能是旅馆的职工,也可能是某一受让人的雇员。The stenographer may be either a hotel employee or an employee of a concessionaire.

“我希望你为我把它打出来,”他说,“你打得比任何速记员都好一千倍。"I wish you'd type it for me, " he said. "You know how a thousand times better than any stenographer.

年轻的寡妇带着自己的儿子到了罗斯托夫,找了一份打字员和速记员的工作并养育孩子。The young widow took the child to Rostov-on-Don, where she reared him while working as a typist and stenographer.

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打电话时,我总是觉得自己好像是在法庭上作证一样,所说的每一句话,甚至每一个口误,都会被速记员记录下来。On the telephone I feel as if I am testifying in court and a stenographer is taking down every misbegotten syllable.

他一股劲儿冲进里面的办公室,像一个做空头的人急于补进一样。他向速记员的办公桌冲过去。He dashed into the inner office with the haste of a short trying to cover. He charged upon the desk of the stenographer.

他箭步冲进里间办公室,像个卖空头的人急于补足那样急不可耐。他对直冲向速记员的办公桌。He dashed into the inner office with the haste of a short trying to cover. He charged upon the desk of the stenographer.

“皮彻先生,”她问机要秘书,“马克斯韦尔先生昨天提没提过另外雇一名速记员的事?”Mr. Pitcher, she said to the confidential clerk, did Mr. Maxwell say anything yesterday about engaging another stenographer.

几十年试图自己撰写自传失败,终于,在1904年初,吐温决定向速记员口述回忆录。After decades of aborted attempts at an autobiography, Twain had decided by early 1904 to dictate his recollections to a stenographer.

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当然,伟大的摄影师永远不会只像法庭上的速记员记录口供一样不加分析地记录所见到的事实。Of course, great photographers have never merely recorded visual facts indiscriminately , like a court stenographer taking down testimony.

——如果接线女孩是温驯娴静的,或甚至速记员是温驯娴静的,那会有什么好处呢?温柔谦卑当然在外表上很吸引人,它是女性气质的外部特征,就如同女人剪的短发一样。And a demure telephone girl? Or even a demure stenographer? Demureness, to be sure, is outwardly becoming, it is an outward mark of femininity, like bobbed hair.

那种兴奋之情,还有大量的工作和困惑一下子都扑向了我这个即干摄影又做报道的新职员,把我搞得筋疲力尽。The excitement of that day, and the amount of work and confusion it imposed on myself, as a young fellow who was part stenographer and part reporter, proved exhausting.