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这里是很好的露营地。This is a good campsite.

野营地只提供最基本的设备。The campsite provided only basic facilities.

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野营地的设备非常简陋。The facilities were very poor on the campsite.

一缕轻烟暴露了他们的营地。A thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite.

野营地有其自身独特的魅力。The wilderness campsite had its own peculiar enchantment.

在戈壁上,一个蒙古人骑着自行车走向帐篷。A Mongolian man cycles toward a campsite in the Gobi desert.

不攀岩的人却把露营地都占了,我只好排队等待。I have to wait in line with the non-climbers to get a campsite.

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广州市海珠区营地辅导研究课题组。The Research Team of Campsite Guidance, Haizhu District, Guangzhou.

然后继续前往一个营地,在那里会有骆驼恭候大驾。Then the journey continues on to a campsite where camels await you.

食物的气味还可能会招引危险的动物到我们的营地来。The smell of the food might attract dangerous animals to our campsite.

如果没有找到,就挂一个熊袋,至少离你的野营地要200英尺的距离。If unavailable, hang a "bear bag" at least 200 feet from your campsite.

一天早晨,我在营地发现他们正往大篷车里搬家什。I showed up at the campsite one morning to find them loading their carts.

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离网的露营技术是一个关于露营规则技术整合的开放性领域。The Off-Grid campsite is an open field of technology-integrated camping rituals.

进入森林,大概还得走25码才能到露营地。Then, after entering the woods it was about 25 yards or so back to the campsite.

等我们到达营地的时候,老杨和老袁已经生上火了。When we arrive Campsite one, Lao Yang and Lao Yuan has already started the fire.

刚开始,你会被关在一处营地里进行三个月的艰苦训练。You spend the first three months onstrenuoustraining, confined within a campsite.

刚开始,你会被关在一处营地里进行三个月的艰苦练习。You spend the first three months on strenuous training, confined within a campsite.

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不一会儿,她那漂亮的草坪就像是一个到处扔满饮料罐、被遗弃了的营地。Soon her beautiful lawn resembled an abandoned campsite with cans thrown everywhere.

该建筑是一个大型营地的一部分,周围布满了石器和骨骼。This structure was part of a large campsite which was rich in stone tools and bones.

我们花了很长时间才找到这个营地,因为一路划过来的每个营地都有人了。It took us a while to find this place, because every campsite along the shore were taken.