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他是一位海港引水员。He is a harbour pilot.

这是个天然港。Tis is a natural harbour.

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你知道七里港吗?Do you know Qi Li harbour?

那海港被淤泥阻塞了。The harbour has silted up.

这海港已为淤泥淤住了。The harbour has silted up.

港口旁的沙滩上的独桅帆船。Dhows on beach near harbour.

那是一个不冻港。That is an ice-free harbour.

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这是个不冻港。This is an ice-free harbour.

这条路通向港口。This road leads to the harbour.

完成“海港城的混乱”Completed 'Chaos in Harbour Town'

就在我们进港前。Just before we enter the harbour.

她正向阉牛港开呢。She's making for Bullock harbour.

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港深为四英寻。The harbour is four fathoms deep.

该港口一年前就淤塞了。The harbour silted up a year ago.

这艘船在顺潮进港The ship was tiding into the harbour.

我们在港外抛锚停泊。We lay at anchor outside the harbour.

波浪撞击着港口的墙基。Waves dashed against the harbour wail.

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波浪撞击著港?诘那交?。Waves dashed against the harbour wall.

香港北角东港中心。East Harbour Centre, North Point. H. K.

我不会怨恨西罗。I don't harbour any grudge against Ciro.