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你好,我叫梅布尔·王。Excuse me. My names Mabel Wong.

梅布尔在淋浴前整理了头发。Mabel did her hair up before taking a shower.

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梅布尔喘了口气,把身体重心移到脚上。Puffing a little, Mabel shifted her weight onto her feet.

自从姐姐出嫁后,马贝尔就再没有闺中密友了。Mabel had no associates of her own sex, after her sister went away.

梅布尔大婶确实厌恶马,她怕马怕极了。Aunt Mabel really has a thing about horse she's terribly afraid of them.

老梅布尔依然很健壮,天天还在他的农场里工作。Old Mabel is still going strong and still working on his farm every day.

格里普和妹妹罗琳当时住在莱特兄弟的隔壁。Mabel Griep and her sister Loreen lived next door to the Wright Brothers.

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梅布尔恳求她的私人教师要尽一切可能帮她考及格。Mabel implored her tutor to do all that was possible to pull her through.

我们的祖母就住在那里,我姐姐梅布尔去年就被送到祖母那里去了。Our grandmama lives there and our sister Mabel was sent to her last year.

梅布尔花了一个半小时的时间选了一套合适的衣服。It took Mabel nearly one and a half hours to choose a suit of proper clothes.

为身体软弱的徐健辉、徐黄心勤夫妇祷告,求主憐悯。Pray for God's mercy for Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Mabel Hsu who suffered with cancer.

你不该说梅布尔坏话,别忘了她过去一直待你很好。You shouldn't speak ill of Mabel , remember she has been kind to you in the past.

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一年之后,1877年,他同梅布尔结为夫妻,他后来成为美国公民。A year later, in 1877, he and Mabel were married. He later became an American citizen.

早上五时你要到厨房向梅布尔报到。我可以因为这件事把你关起来。You should report to Mabel in the kitchen promptly at 5 a. m. I could have you arrested for taking this.

现在要他的妻子和戈林面对这一困境,但也可能风险戈林的机会,最终战胜梅布尔。It is up to his wife and Goring to confront this dilemma, but it could risk Goring's chances to finally win over Mabel.

国会议员梅布尔·雷贝罗是位新成员,但她不相信这次和以往有何不同。Parliamentarian Mabel Rebello, one of the new members, is not convinced that this time will be all that much different.

萨姆和梅布尔布朗希望自己能在农场生活,如果有个农场,他们就能饲养动物,生产自己的食物。Sam and Mabel Brown wish they lived on a farm. If they had a farm, they could raise animals and produce their own food.

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我怀疑儿童画家玛贝尔是否来过这儿,因为我童年时代仙境里的屋子就在这儿了。I wonder if Mabel Lucie Attwell, the children’s illustrator, ever visited, as the fairy houses of my childhood are here.

但玛贝尔对他置若罔闻。他们在她周围喋喋不休了这么多年,她压根儿就没当回事儿。But Mabel did not take any notice of him. They had talked at her and round her for so many years, that she hardly heard them at all.

艾米丽去世后,玛佩尔下定决心要让世人读一读艾米丽的诗,并且致力于编辑、出版和推销那些诗歌。After Emily died, Mabel determined that the public should read the poetry, and devoted herself to editing, publishing and promoting it.