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我在讲一个财政演算。I am talking about a fiscal exercise.

同样的,财政政策也可以提供支持。Equally, fiscal policy will be a prop.

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然而,财政政策有其局限性。However, fiscal policy has its limits.

现在,这个县已经陷入财政危机之中。And now the county is in fiscal crisis.

他把这叫作财政膨胀的战争。Call it the Battle of the Fiscal Bulge.

欧洲的财政政策也需要调整。s fiscal policy also needs recalibrating.

1937年这个财政刺激因素消失了。In 1937, this fiscal stimulus disappeared.

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2005财政年度资源分配情况Allocation of Resources in Fiscal Year 2005

这是财政清廉的一个罕见的胜利。IT WAS a rare victory for fiscal rectitude.

这段插曲的财政代价尚不明朗。The fiscal cost of this episode is unclear.

中国考虑退出经济刺激政策。China mulls exit of proactive fiscal policy.

证据由地方检察官提出。Evidence is adduced by the procurator fiscal.

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此外还要考虑财政上的约束。There are also fiscal constraints to consider.

然而财政刺激归根结蒂只是暂时性的。But fiscal stimulus by definition is temporary.

多年来,希腊的财政政策一直都不健全。For years, Greek fiscal policy had been unsound.

第四,深化财政金融合作。Fourth, deepen fiscal and financial cooperation.

负责财务内部审计工作。to be responsible for the internal fiscal audit.

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深化财政金融合作。First, to deepen fiscal and financial cooperation.

且看她对贾府的理财规划。Let us look at her fiscal plan for the Jia mansion.

这不像是即将发生金融危机的征兆。This is not the sign of an impending fiscal crisis.