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站在法官面前时,麦道夫表现出了悔意。Standing in front of the judge, Madoff appeared remorseful.

似懊悔着大声拍打海岸上善变的白沙。Beating remorseful and loud the mutable sands of the sea-shore.

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难道我们不能悔过自新,渴望重建联盟吗?Do not we become penitent and remorseful and crave for reunion?

说起自己的糊涂行为,刘某悔恨得眼泪直流。Speaking of his confused behavior, Liu was remorseful tears DC.

他代被告向法庭陈情说被告十分懊悔。He represented to the court that the accused was very remorseful.

艾舍斯特咬着袖子,抑制悔恨交迫的呻吟。Ashurst bit at his sleeve, to stifle a groan of remorseful longing.

甚至懊悔不已的迈克尔。维克本人也抽泣着说那是“一件可怕的事情”。Even a remorseful Michael Vick sniffled that it was "a terrible thing".

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天堂没有令我们懊悔的事情,没有悔恨的泪水,不需要重新考虑,也没有忽略的因素。There are no regrets in heaven, no remorseful tears, no second thoughts, no lost causes.

我为我自己没在你最需要人安慰的时候拉你一把而感到异常悔恨。I felt extremely remorseful that I didn't give you even one hand when you needed it most.

先生在公共场合大发脾气,他为自己的不当行为感到后悔。Having gone postal in public, Mr. B felt remorseful because of his inappropriate behavior.

张匡劝他说,只要他真心改过,总会一家团聚。Hong tells Chi-hei that if he is truly remorseful , he and his family will reunite one day.

但我跟他们说我后悔,他们却说心理变态狂们从来都是假装有悔意。But when I tell them I feel remorse, they say psychopaths pretend to be remorseful when they're not.

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我听见年轻人悄悄地啜泣哽咽,为自己的痛苦,为所作所为懊悔不已I hear secret convulsive sobs from young men at anguish with themselves, remorseful after deeds done

公司虽然在法庭上表示有悔意,但这种悔意并非向中国雇员而发出。Although the company said in court was remorseful , but not remorse to the Chinese employees and issued.

有趣的是,大家一致认为我打孩子的时候肯定感到负罪感和懊丧。Interestingly, everyone was unanimous that I must surely have felt horribly guilty and remorseful afterwards.

绿色和平组织策划的这组广告创意为描述10年后的各国领导人对未能在哥本哈根取得成果而悔恨,旨在促使他们在大会上达成协议,阻止全球气候进一步恶化。The placards by Greenpeace depict remorseful world leaders in the year 2020 for not doing more in Copenhagen.

找一张你看起来很后悔的照片,然后在上面写上“对不起”。Snap a picture of yourself looking appropriately remorseful and holding up a handwritten sign that says "I'm Sorry.

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其中一组观看的是克林顿忏悔的视频,而另一组观看的视频则是这位美国前总统对此事大发雷霆。One group viewed a video of a remorseful Clinton and the other saw a clip of the former president responding angrily.

在少年法庭上,法官也会参考被告在网上发表的言论,以判断他们是否确有悔意。And in some juvenile courts, judges considered what defendants wrote online to help determine whether they were remorseful.

他对艾滋病的传播有一定了解,所以事后他一直很懊悔,担心自己染上病。He spread of AIDS have a certain understanding, so after he has been very remorseful , worried that she contracted disease.