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我认为升到超次中量级的他有些进步。I thought he improved at junior middleweight.

中量级自行车坦克小于气球自行车轮胎。Middleweight bicycle tanks are smaller than balloon tire bikes.

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罗伯特•科恩曾经是普林斯顿大学的中量级拳击冠军。Robert Cohn was once middleweight boxing champion of Princeton.

中量级自行车常常会混淆气球自行车轮胎。Middleweight bicycles often get confused with balloon tire bikes.

到1984年冬天,克斯特亚获得了鄂木斯克中量级冠军。By the winter of 1984, Kostya was the middleweight champion of Omsk.

他们甚至记不得他曾是中量级拳击冠军。They did not even remember that he was middleweight boxing champion.

他保持大学轻量级和中量级双冠军。He held both the lightweight and middleweight college boxing championships.

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中量级有架老式自行车可能携带书籍或杂货。Vintage middleweight bicycles had racks that could carry books or groceries.

了解如何识别来自自行车专家在此免费视频中量级自行车。Learn how to identify middleweight bikes from a bicycle expert in this free video.

了解更多关于中量级自行车自行车衣架专家在此免费视频。Learn more about middleweight bike racks from a bicycle expert in this free video.

人们问我我是否能承受中量级的拳头,我会屈服还是挺住?People ask if I can deal with a middleweight punch. Will I fold or will I stand up?

了解如何从一个中量级自行车自行车刹车过山车专家在此免费视频。Learn how a middleweight bike coaster brake from a bicycle expert in this free video.

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像我们的太阳一样的,中等质量的恒星,年老时会慢慢膨胀成红巨星。As a middleweight star like our sun ages, it eventually swells into a red giant phase.

老式自行车车把不被洪水量级背部和蔓延对到底。Vintage middleweight bicycle handlebars are swept back and spread out towards the end.

从学习中量级自行车车把自行车等专家在此免费视频功能。Learn other features of middleweight bike handlebars from a bicycle expert in this free video.

关于中量级自行车挡泥板自行车专家从功能在此免费视频学习。Learn about the functionality of middleweight bike fenders from a bicycle expert in this free video.

你们拥有无可争议的中量级冠军和无可争议的次中量级冠军大碰撞。You have the undisputed middleweight champion and the undisputed junior middleweight champion bumping heads.

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前中量级拳王劳尔。马奎兹说“当你在电视上看到他,你会想‘这家伙看起来很容易搞定。’”"You watch him on TV and you think, 'This guy looks so beatable, '" former middleweight titleholder Raul Marquez said.

我从未遇见过任何一位他班上记得他的同学,他们甚至想不起曾过有一位中量级拳击冠军的他。I never met any one of his class who remembered him. They did not even remember that he was middleweight boxing champion.

在这个领域,中量级黑洞是否存在,是最大的尚未解答的问题之一。"The existence of middleweight black holes is one of the big unanswered questions in this field, " said Cambridge's Haehnelt.