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他太太嚎叫起来。His wife howled.

向您的夫人致意。Mys to your wife.

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妻子是个跛子。Wife is a cripple.

那家伙有位太太。The guy had a wife.

然后我遇见了我方今的妻子。Then I met my wife.

我能成?他的妻子?。Could I be his wife?

他的太太是一位护士。His wife is a nurse.

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他的妻子离开了他。His wife leaves him.

我的太太怀孕了。My wife is pregnant.

他妻子插言道。his wife interposed.

他的妻子是母老虎。His wife is a virago.

我老婆把我赶出来了。My wife threw me out.

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他瞒着太太在外面拈花惹草。He cheats on his wife.

他死后使得妻子穷愁不堪。He left his wife poor.

他一直忠实于他的妻子。He sticks to his wife.

他对他妻子不忠。He two-times his wife.

是他的太太。His wife is So Bitchy.

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他的妻子在编织。His wife was knitting.

我最喜欢老婆饼。I like wife pies best.

我今年39岁,我的妻子31。I'm 39. My wife is 31.