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他是个慷慨激昂的演说者。He is a fervid orator.

我不善言语,而他却是位雄辩家。I'm no orator , as he is.

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他是一位杰出的演说家。That orator is a Boanerges.

执拗的人是全聋的演说者。A bigot is a stone-deaf orator.

偏执狂是极聋的演说家。A bigot is a stone-leaf orator.

他是位口才很好的演说家。He was a silver-tongued orator.

诗人天生,辩才练成。Poet is born, but orator is made.

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听众把演讲者轰下台来。The orator set the audience on fire.

在他最佳的时候,肯尼迪先生是一个很好的演说者。At his best, Mr Kennedy was a fine orator.

能说服自己的演说家,才是好演说家。He is a good orator who convinces himself.

古罗马演说家、政治家西塞罗.M.T。M. T Cicero. Ancient Roman orator and statesman.

一个人如果真有些什么东西要讲的话,就决不会成为雄辩家。A man never becomes an orator if he has anything to say.

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最终被朋友刺死,演讲者布鲁图斯!Finally he was stabbed by his friend, the orator Brutus!

演说者对那一点详细论述了将近二十分钟。The orator dwelt on that point for nearly twenty minutes.

我最喜欢的一个短句是“亚伯拉罕.林肯是一个伟大的演说家”。My favorite phrase was Abraham Lincoln was a great orator.

那个曾经夸夸其辞的演说家缄默不语。The once bombastic orator had himself lapsed into silence.

他的口才如此只好,连最优秀的演说家也会相形见绌。His eloquence is so good that he cuts dowm the best orator.

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上帝只是今天的主席,韦勃斯特是他的演说家。God is only the president of the day, and Webster is his orator.

他却是19世纪中期首屈一指的富于热情的雄辩家。He was first and foremost a fiery orator in the 19th century mold.

好也罢歹也罢,我倒是被普遍视为一个热情激昂的演说家。For good or ill, I am rather widely considered to be a fiery orator.