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我为你摇尾乞怜。I'm fawning for you.

仆人的脸上露出一种谄笑。The servant worn a fawning smile.

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她蜷缩在地上,象只摇尾乞怜的狗。She crouched low like a fawning dog.

小狗向它的主人摇尾乞怜。The puppy was fawning on its master.

她用阿谀奉承的手段骗取他的信任。To seek or gain favor by fawning or flattery.

小狗向主人摇尾讨好,仿佛懂得主人的痛苦。The puppy was fawning on its master as if it understood what he suffered.

不过,只要有员警经过,它就会立刻跳起来摇尾乞怜。However, as long as police officers through, it will immediately jump fawning.

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“你来试试这个”,在销售员的奉承下,他喜出望外的朝他妻子喊道。"You've got to try this, " he shouted to his wife, to the delight of a fawning saleswoman.

在谈话中,Khan的很多熟人都回忆起他对养女的爱护。A number of acquaintances recalled Mr. Khan fawning over his adopted daughter during conversations.

吹捧的作家写的关于他的管理技巧的书仍然在书店畅销。Fawning authors penned books about his management techniques that remain on sale at bookstores here today.

又有两个人坐了过来——角桌里的那对年轻夫妇赶过来问候契塔,他们带着谄媚的笑容何他握手。Two other men join us.The young couple from the corner comes over to greet Chita with fawning smiles and handshakes.

“你来试试这个”,在销售员的奉承下,他喜出望外的朝他妻子喊道。“这款确实很舒服”。"You've got to try this," he shouted to his wife, to the delight of a fawning saleswoman. "This one's really comfortable."

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造作的文书中的“爱”难道不仅仅是性行的委婉说法吗?抑或那些“大师”本就是阉党?Is not the "love" of the fawning scriptures simply a euphemism for sexual activity, or was the "great teacher" a glorifier of eunuchs?

尽管如此,虽然他可能确实实力非凡,但乔布斯真的就当之无愧其粉丝们以及亦步亦趋的媒体的歌功颂德吗?But able though he may have been, did Steve Jobs really deserve the kind of veneration he has received from his fans and a fawning media?

魔兽在中国太流行了,甚至有专业玩家,由支持的团体赞助,像电影明星一样。WoW is so popular that there are professional players who are treated like movie stars, complete with sponsorship deals with fawning groupies.

他们千方百计地寻求论文发表的快速通道,在科研方法上走捷径,省时间,并通过拉帮走关系,奉承拍马让期刊主编接受自己的论文。They fashion pathways to speedier publication, cutting corners on methodology and turning to politicking and fawning strategies for acceptance.

但是哈利对他的有意奉承始终存有戒心,而且一整个学年始终跟他保持距离,这无疑让这位魔药学老师非常沮丧。However harry is wary of such fawning attention and throughout the school year maintained a distance that must have frustrated the potions master.

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以赞美开头,但记住不能过火,否则听起来像奉承。要做到诙谐、激发读者的兴趣。Start out with a compliment. Remember, you don't want to go overboard with this and sound like you're fawning. Make it fun and attention-grabbing.

如果美国是男孩乐队成员和英国是仰慕的少女那么超模类比的是谁?还是你的理解有些偏离正路太远了吗?。So if the US is the boy band member and Britain is the fawning teenage girl who's the supermodel in that analogy? or did you not get that far with it?

孔子一生不耻没气节或巧言令色的小人,但他尤其最痛恶与貌似恭谨的伪君子为伍。During his life Confucius loathed spineless, fawning sycophants, but he particularly detested being around those phony gentlemen who appeared respectable.