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提供分析竞争对手的亲身经验。To pro vide first hand experience on ways to do competitor analysis.

氦离子显微镜无需导电涂层就可以提供极好的成像。HIM can pro- vide excellent imaging without the need for conductive coatings.

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是百万富翁花巨资建造学校、医院或图书馆吗?。A millionaire spending huge sums to pro vide schools and hospitals and libraries?

提供一个对销售代表进行更加可行和有意义的培训的机会。To provide a platform to pro vide a more practical and meaningful training to HR.

另外一些物种可以防洪,防蝗,并使废物再自然循环利用。Other species pro- vide flood control, pest control, and natural recycling of waste.

负责管理的职位,该职位将提供挑战和自由,使我能充分发挥我的进取精神及创造能力。vide challenge and freedom where I can bring my initiative and creativity into full play.

此外,当天的地毯模仿各种现代著名画家的画作。Additionally, a vide variety of modern rugs are replicated from famous artist's paintings.

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在实现嵌入式环境下实时DVD录像取得了较好的效果。The result show that the realized embedded real-time DVD Vide recording system works well.

国际商务谈判涉及的国际商务活动的范围很广。International business negotiation refers to a vide range of international business activities.

在法国洗衣房,凯勒成为一个烹饪各县随已知系统的早期倡议者。At The French Laundry, Keller became an early proponent of a system of cooking known as sous vide.

增加螺线管段数和导线并联分支数,可得到一个比较好的电压平台。It can pro vide a better voltage flat by increasement of numbers of helical coil sections a nd branch in parallel.

由此说明,无因次IPR曲线模型是一种经济实用的预测水平气井产能的方法。The dimensionless IPR curve model appears to pro- vide a cost-effective way of predicting horizontal gas well deliverability.

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本研究结果可供利用细胞培养技术筛选冬凌草高产冬凌草素细胞株时参考。Result of the present study may pro vide some reference for the screening of high yield cell strain for the production of rubescensin.

盼经由此研究结果能提供产、官、学者将来设计更合宜的病患服务员培训课程,以提升国内长其照护的品质。The results of this study pro vide government departments and health care professionals data pertinent to designing more effective NA training programs.

一个经历了各县随系统袋,含有去皮澳洲青苹苹果已经在准备水和抗坏血酸薄片。A bag that has gone through the sous vide system, containing thin slices of peeled Granny Smith apple that have been prepared in water and ascorbic acid.

这表明我们必须支持可靠而有益参见有方法的反面用管道输送生意的用户使他们能够成功竞争。This means that we must pro- vide our customers with means of con- ducting their businesses securely and profitably to enable them to compete successfully.

目的了解1974—2003年我院住院患者的疾病构成及其变化趋势,为临床防治工作开展提供科学依据。Objective To understand the disease composition and tendency of in-patients from 1974 to 2003, and to pro vide scientific data for clinical prevention and treatment.

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探讨了内审员的工作职能和管理与培训方法,为建立内审员制度提供了参考模式。The job function, management and training method for internal auditor were researched, to pro- vide reference pattern on the establishment of internal auditor system.

经验丰富的工程师能为客户提供组装和测试治具的概念设计、制作、安装和调试。我们也提供治具的改良于生产合理化的建议。Engineers with rich experience can pro vide the clients with concept designing, manufacture and debug of assembling and test device improvement and reasonable production.

如何疏通的唯一准备在锅里做饭,学会在此免费网上关于海鲜准备厨师烹饪专家劳拉班福德教授随这更。How to dredge the sole in preparation for cooking in the pan and learn this and more in this free online cooking vide about seafood prep taught by expert chef Laura Banford.