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陈舒励是菲律宾马尼拉拉刹大学文学教授。Shirley O. Lua teaches literature at De La Salle University in Manila, Philippines.

在巴黎一座音乐会剧场——夏沃音乐厅上演的选举之夜,气氛一触即发。On election night at the Salle Gaveau, a Paris concert theatre, the atmosphere was electric.

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作为首部影片,热罗姆-萨郎无疑是成功的,影片不仅故事性强,而且演员的表演也相当出彩。For a first movie, Jerome Salle made a good movie with a great story and an unbelievable casting.

我们当时布朗峡谷的肩膀喇沙山,因为我们做了去年。We then took John Brown Canyon over the shoulder of the La Salle mountains as we had done last year.

尽管影片的现实意义较为欠缺,节奏有时也较拖沓,但热罗姆-萨郎仍然成功地执导了一部高超、时尚的电影。Even if the movie is not always realistic, and the rhythm slows down sometimes, Jerome Salle succeeded in making a sophisticated and stylish movie.

我们的学生来自名校如英皇佐治五世、沙田书院、拔萃女书院、玛利诺及喇沙书院。Our students come from top-tier schools such as KGV, Shatin College, Diocesan Girls' School, Maryknoll Convent School, La Salle College, to name a few.

她找到了一支小巧的紫外线笔,将它放入毛衣的口袋中,又匆忙沿着画廊向国家展厅那敞开的大门走去。Finding a small ultraviolet penlight, she slipped itin the pocket of her sweater and hurried back up the hallway toward the open doors of the Salle desEtats.

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本文用图文简要记述了桉树枝瘿姬小蜂雄虫的形态特征。这是该虫雄蜂在中国的首次报道。The male of Leptocybe invasa Fisher & La Salle was briefly described and illustrated in this paper. It was the first report of the male of this wasp from China.

由新界喇沙中学、马鞍山圣若瑟中学及明爱马鞍山中学举办的探访上水圣若瑟安老院活动已于2010年2月6日顺利举行。On 6th February 2010, students from Ma On Shan St. Joseph' s Secondary School, Caritas Ma On Shan Secondary School and De La Salle Secondary School, N. T. joined to visit St.

喇沙会是一个天主教团体,主要工作是兴办教育,在全球九十多国建立小学、中学、理工和大学等教育机构。The De Salle Family is a Catholic body, whose main aim is to provide education. The Family has primary and secondary schools, polytechnics and universities in about ninety countries in the world.