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我现在再也不吃油炸圈饼了!I could never have a doughnut today!

所以,就让我们向油炸圈和夹肉饼说"不"吧。So say No to that doughnut and burger.

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我想要一杯卡布奇诺和一个甜甜圈。I want a cup of cappuccino and a doughnut.

油炸面团是甜甜圈的前身。The doughboy was a predecessor of the doughnut.

尼克在回家途中发现了一家新开的甜甜圈店。Nick found a newly opened doughnut store on the way home.

具体地说,我想在“甜甜圈”上建立积分。OK so, concretely, I wanted to integrate over a solid doughnut.

大多数都只能提供一个“甜甜圈”大小的备胎甚至根本都没有备胎。Most have smaller "doughnut" spares and many have no spare at all.

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请别称呼我“亲爱的”,干脆一点把那该死的甜甜圈拿给我。Or please don't call me sweetie and just hand me the darn doughnut.

一大早不知道是吃鸡蛋三明治,还是吃釉面甜甜圈?Can't decide between an egg sandwich or a glazed doughnut in the morning?

他们会将酒店拆掉,然后建造豪宅、一家美甲沙龙以及一个甜甜圈专卖店。They'll bulldoze it and build luxury homes, a nail salon, a doughnut shop.

炸圈饼面团一种未发涨的油炸面团圈,通常成纽绞条状,但也有圆环或长方形的。An un raised doughnut usually twisted but also shaped into rings or oblongs.

奶奶从不吃没先在咖啡里浸一下的炸面圈。Grandmother would never eat a doughnut without first dunking it in her coffee.

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只吃面包圈和咖啡是行不通的。A doughnut and coffee won't work. A mood-boosting breakfast must follow the 1,2,3 rule

简单的说,缺少一个洞的炸面圈的密度完全是不均匀的。In short, the consistency of a doughnut lacking a hole would be, quite simply, doughy.

在未来几年,该法律将一劳永逸的完全堵上这个甜甜圈漏洞。And in the coming years, this law will close the doughnut hole completely once and for all.

因为必须穿个洞或是黏起来,所以对拓扑学家来说,球和甜甜圈是不同的东西。Because such cutting or gluing is needed, a ball is not the same as a doughnut to a topologist.

他们会多吃一个炸面圈,却把锻炼推到明天再明天。They eat just one more doughnut and put off exercising until tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

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从远处看像一座巨大的拱门,实际上它是一个连续的环,有点像方形面包圈。Looking from a distance like a gigantic arch, it is a continuous loop, a kind of square doughnut.

甜甜圈是一个圆形的炸面包圈,中间的空的或者用奶油或果冻填满。A doughnut is a round piece of fried dough with a hole in the middle or filled with cream or jelly.

如果你确实要吃一个甜点才能开始你的早晨,那么吃一个普通的甜甜圈。If you absolutely must have a sweet pastry to jumpstart your morning, then go with a plain doughnut.