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独角鲸的再次出现则要到第二年的五月,但到那时海面上的冰块早已不知了去向。The narwhal do not arrive until May, but by then the sea ice is long gone.

其实这怪物并非什么独角鲸,而是一艘构造奇妙的潜水船。In fact, this monster not a narwhal , but a wonderful dive boat construction.

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独角鲸的长牙曾经一度被当成独角兽的角来贩售,价格十分昂贵。Tusks of the narwhal whale were once sold as unicorn horns, and were immensely valuable.

贝克指出,在鲸豚类中,只有突吻鲸和独角鲸具有獠牙。Beaked whales and the narwhal are the only cetacean species with tusks, according to Baker.

猎人们必须靠近浮冰的边缘,才能用尖利的爪钩捕捉鲸鱼。Hunters have to get near enough to the edge of the ice to retrieve the narwhal with a grappling hook.

格陵兰堪格卢峡湾里,最好一缕日光照亮了独角鲸捕猎者的皮船和帐篷。The day's last light illuminates the boats and tents of narwhal hunters on Greenland's Kangerluk Fjord.

海豚和鲸鱼也生活在水里,但他们不属于鱼类,他们和独角鲸一样属于哺乳动物。Dolphins and whales live in water too, but they are not fish at all. They are mammals, and so is the narwhal.

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不过,它们得到的数据确实与其中一次冬季直升机调查得到的样本数据相当一致。However, the narwhal measurements do correlate well with one-shot samples taken by winter helicopter surveys.

几个世纪以来,独角鲸的角让人们去到世界的最远端。Prized by medieval royalty, inspiration for unicorn myths, narwhal tusks have driven men to extremes for centuries.

如今来福枪取代了传统的工具,但也同时代表无辜死伤的鲸鱼比实际猎捕的数目高出许多。The replacement of traditional weapons by rifles means that many more narwhal are killed or wounded than are retrieved.

雄性独角鲸的长牙状如独角兽的长角,而突吻鲸的一对獠牙却短小的多。In the narwhal the single unicorn-like tusk is a modified upper tooth, whereas the paired tusks of the beaked whales are modified lower teeth.

在高度专业化的和危险的技术用捕鲸鱼叉对准独角鲸从爱斯基摩人用的皮艇老练的只有少数人在北格陵兰。The highly specialized and dangerous technique of harpooning narwhal from a kayak is practiced by only a handful of people in Northern Greenland.

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一直独角鲸在准备潜水寻食之前浮出水面透气。在中世纪的欧洲,它们的角被当作传说中的独角兽的角来卖。A narwhal catches a breath at the surface between forays to the bottom in search of food. in medieval europe, tusks were sold as the horns of unicorns.

本税则所称“兽牙”,是指象、河马、海象、一角鲸和野猪的长牙、犀角及其他动物的牙齿。Throughout the Nomenclature, elephant, hippopotamus, walrus, narwhal and wild boar tusks, rhinoceros horns and the teeth of all animals are regarded as "ivory".

受中世纪贵族珍视,独角兽传说的启蒙。几个世纪以来,独角鲸的角让人们去到世界的最远端。今天,对角和兽皮的需求使得独角鲸数量减少。Prized by medieval royalty , inspiration for unicorn myths , narwhal tusks have driven men to extremes for centuries . today the quest for tusks and skin threatens some populations.