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唯你,才能得以舒展,只可沉淀。Only you can to stretch, only precipitation.

冷球蛋白用冷沉淀法检测。Cryoglobulin was detected by cold precipitation.

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只是下点小雨也不可以吗?Is it too much to ask for a little precipitation?

在游走中沉淀心静,认真行言,慎独而行。In the walk of precipitation calm, do say, Shendu.

年平均降水量不足140毫米。Average precipitation is not more than 140 mm annually.

预计本地区下周将有强降水。A heavy precipitation is forecast in this area next week.

但是,就像我之前说过的,沉淀是为了再出发。But, as I said before, the precipitation was to re-start.

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若羌地区的年平均降雨量为23.8毫米。The annual average precipitation in Ruoqiang is 23. 8 mm.

各季节中,夏、秋、冬季降水呈下降趋势。The precipitation in summer, autumn and winter decreased.

包括为重,持续性降水的雨罩。Includes a rain cover for heavy, persistent precipitation.

简介黑龙江省气温及降水情况?Introduce the climate and precipitation in Hei Long jiang ?

随后,受热空气融化冰川,改变降水格局④。Warmer air melts glaciers and changes precipitation patterns.

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微型浮游生物应为湖泊中的方解石沉淀负责吗?。Are Picoplankton Responsible for Calcite Precipitation in Lakes?

采用直接沉淀法制备钛酸钡粉体。BaTiO_3 nano-powders are prepared by direct precipitation method.

采取集水措施提高自然降水的有效利用率。Catchments in sloping field can improve the use of precipitation.

并且东部降水量的年代际变化明显,有20-30年周期。And the precipitation Variations in ECN oscillate for 20-30 years.

它是电除尘研究的一项重要课题。This is an important study project in electrostatic precipitation.

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天气,指的是每一天的温度、湿度和降雨。Weather is the day-to-day temperature, humidity and precipitation.

采用共沉淀法合成了碳酸钡粒子。Barium carbonate was prepared by using common precipitation method.

血浆样品用甲醇沉淀蛋白提取盐酸麻黄碱。Protein precipitation was accomplished by the addition of methanol.