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你可以看到柴帝进球的意义。You can see how much it meant to Fletch to score.

皮克和弗莱彻总拿大家的衣服开玩笑。Pique and Fletch are always at the centre of pranks with player's clothes.

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我只要每隔24小时喂它一次水,并且喂它一次食物就可以了。I only have to feed it water and food every 24 hours. It plays fletch with me.

但弗莱彻对付下来了,他也经常得到负面评价。But Fletch took it – and the negative comments he often received – on the chin.

可怜的弗莱契,别相信你肉眼看见的东西,它们看到的一切都是有限的。Poor Fletch. Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation.

弗莱彻很想结束这一历史,借此也可以好好打击一下博彩公司最看好的切尔西的夺冠前景。Fletch is keen to end that barren run this weekend, and in doing so dent the hopes of the bookies' favourites to take this year's title.

“我们本来处于领先,但因为定位球被扳平。显然我们很失望没有全取三分,”弗莱彻告诉曼联电视。"From being in a winning position and losing a goal from a set-piece obviously we're disappointed not to get all three, " Fletch told MUTV.

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乔纳森叹了口气。他想。这就是被误解的代价。他们要么叫你魔鬼,要么称你上帝。“你是怎么想的,弗莱契?我们是跑在时代前面吗?”Jonathan sighed. The price of being misunderstood, he thought. They call you devil or they call you god. "What do you think, Fletch? Are we ahead of our time?""

在本场2-0击败曼城的比赛中他再次表现出色,弗莱彻说他现在就一门心思要帮助球队联赛夺冠。And after another commanding display in the heart of United's midfield in the 2-0 win over City, Fletch says his mind is solely on helping the Reds win the title.

由于没有枪,他无法进行更大规模的捕猎行动——要买枪的话首先得有个地址——但是他开始学习如何制造弓和羽毛箭。He couldn’t hunt larger game because he didn’t have a gun — to purchase one, he would have had to provide an address — but he began studying how to make a bow and fletch arrows.

上赛季我们可能失去他,包括埃弗顿在内的很多球队都对他有兴趣。We could have lost Fletch last summer when a number of clubs, Everton included, expressed an interest after a season in which he enjoyed only limited involvement in United's double success.