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她行了个屈膝礼。She gave a curtsy.

她走过时对他行了一个屈膝礼。She swept him a curtsy.

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好啊,你鞠躬,我行礼。Now you bow and I curtsy.

现在你鞠躬,我行屈膝礼。Now you bow, and I curtsy.

我行了一个屈膝礼然后说“谢谢。”I curtsy and say "Merci. ""

她对他屈膝致礼。She bobbed a curtsy to him.

这是一个在聚会中的隆重的礼节。This is a solemn curtsy in the party.

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有人教我们如何向女王行屈膝礼。We were taught how to curtsy to the Queen.

那个芭蕾舞女演员在下台之前行屈膝礼。The ballerina bobbed a curtsy before leaving the stage.

那可能性不大,除非你在我的脸上真的马上就行屈膝礼。Not much chance of that unless you curtsy on my face real soon.

丹麦女子在与有身份的男子见面时,施屈膝礼。Danish women in the identity of the man with the meeting, Shi curtsy.

你可以行礼,或不行礼,这在与你的选择我对此没有发言权。You can curtsy or not . that ' s your choice . there ' s really nothing i can do about it.

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她身着制服裙,回应了一个浅浅的军人屈膝礼,然后把手搭在他伸出的胳膊上。She did a shallow military curtsy , supple in her dress-uniform skirt, and laid her hand on his forearm.

如果有人能够幸运地被女王接见,这时男士必须向女王鞠躬,然而女士则必须行屈膝礼。When a person is given the honor of meeting the Queen, a man is supposed to bow to her while women are supposed to curtsy.

尽管其他所有人都会恭敬正式地称呼英国伊丽莎白女王为“陛下”,但是乔治小王子对女王却有个更随意的称呼。While the rest of us would curtsy and formally call Britain's Queen Elizabeth, "Your Majesty, " little Prince George has a more informal name for her.

当访客晋见国王时,他们要在这地方,每走五步行一次屈膝礼,直到坐在令人眩目的纯银皇座上的国王面前!When a visitor approached the king, he had to curtsy every five steps as he walked the entire distance to meet the king sitting on his dazzling silver throne!

据悉,布莱尔和布朗与英国王室的关系一直不和睦,布莱尔夫人曾拒绝向王室成员行屈膝礼。It is reported that Blair and Brown's relationship with the British royal family has not harmonious, Mrs Blair had refused to curtsy to the royal family members.

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他向她鞠躬,她也轻轻回了一礼,接着他就挺直身子,以一种特别柔和的印第安人般的步态朝她走来,这可吓得她不觉用手去捂住自己的嘴,因为现在她知道他是谁了。She made a little curtsy as he bowed, and then, as he straightened and started toward her with a peculiarly lithe Indian-like gait, her hand went to her mouth in horror, for she knew who he was.