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舍瓦感谢马尔蒂尼对他的赞扬,还有金球奖的提名。Sheva than thanked Paolo Maldini for his praises and his candidature for the Golden Ball.

鉴于她的才能和知识,我愿推荐她担任托福或雅思预备班教学工作。Once again, I strongly recommend his candidature and assure you of his competency and given set of skills.

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我们非常高兴地确认您的候选人,2012年版的埃尼奖正式接受。We are very pleased to confirm the formal acceptance of your candidature for the 2012 Edition of the Eni Award.

本研究的目的在于为奥运会的发展和中国今后申办其它大型体育赛事提供可资借鉴的依据。The article's aim is supply evidence to development of Olympic Games and candidature other Games of China in future.

在适当的时间,欧洲学院还会给学生提供一份详尽的推荐信,以便证明他们的适应能力。If appropriate Eurocollege, at that time will provide a more detailed reference in support of the student's candidature.

但是如果他退出,他的参选仍然证明了所谓的阿拉伯国家对Hosni的一致支持是不稳固的。But if he withdraws, his candidature will still have demonstrated that the supposed Arab consensus around Hosni is shaky.

我们会接待您的候选人员,同时,请允许我们对中国阿尔斯通交通运输部对我们所表现出的兴趣表示感谢。We show reception with your candidature and let us thank you for the interest which you express for ALSTOM Transport China.

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当天,总统乔治·纳波利塔诺在和资深政治家进行了17次会谈后宣布提名蒙蒂为新总理。Mr Monti's candidature was announced after President Giorgio Napolitano spent the day in 17 meetings with senior politicians.

只有申办资格经其国家或地区奥委会批准的城市方可申请举办奥运会。Only a city the candidature of which is approved by the NOC of its own country can apply for the organization of the Olympic Games.

拉加德需要新兴经济体对她竞选国际货币组织总裁的支持,新兴经济体已批评欧洲官员,因为他们认为新的总裁肯定是欧洲人。Lagarde needs support for her IMF candidature from emerging economies which have criticised EU officials for suggesting the new head must be a European.

少有人期望阿伦对塞恩斯伯里勋爵的机会造成很很大的影响,但是他的候选人资格提醒了其他人,未来选举的结果还未成定局。Few expected Mr Arain to make much of a difference to Lord Sainsbury's chances, but his candidature reminded others that the result didn't have to be a foregone conclusion.

中国政府将信守在北京陈述报告中所作的所有承诺,并将尽一切努力帮助北京实现其承诺。The Chinese Government will honor each and every commitment it has made in Beijing's Candidature File and will do whatever it can to assist Beijing to fulfill its promises.

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候选人递交一份提名表格时,必须已退出在所有其他选区的选举,否则,他新的提名将会当作无效。When he hands in his nomination form, he must have withdrawn his candidature in respect of all other constituencies , if any, or else his new nomination will be held to be invalid.

北京申奥标志是一幅中国传统手工艺品图案,即“同心结”或“中国结”,它采用的是奥森匹克五环标志的典型颜色。The candidature logo features a stylized traditional chinese handicraft pattern known as the "knot of one heart" or "chinese folk knot" using the typical colors of the five olympic rings.

北京申奥标志是一幅中国传统手工艺品图案,即“同心结”或“中国结”,它采用的是奥林匹克五环标志的典型颜色。The candidature logo features a stylized traditional Chinese handicraft pattern known as the "knot of one heart" or "Chinese folk knot', using the typical colors of the five Olympic rings.