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如果最坏的最坏的情况下,使用便携式零化子您头盔。If the worst comes to the worst, use the portable annihilator in your helmet.

灭火后不留痕迹,是取代卤代烷灭火器的替代品。It leaves no trace after fire extinguishing. It replaces for alkylogen annihilator.

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见到这种情况,刘先生立即拿来灭火器,很快将火扑灭了。See this condition, Mr. Liu immediately goes fetch annihilator and soon put out fire.

而且魁刚还要确保他们能够找到证明Annihilator不存在的证据。Still, Qui-Gon also had to make sure they had proof that the Annihilator didn't exist.

三脚拥有短程EMP攻击,它可以用在敌人的车辆和建筑上。The Annihilator Tripod has a short range EMP attack it can use on Enemy Vehicles and Buildings.

球可以被杀死的零化子奖金,所以收集到许多人因为你可以延长你的游戏。Balls can be killed with annihilator bonuses, so collect as many of them as you can to prolong your game.

当游戏玩家你进入游戏人物等级后期,基本上游戏玩家你会用震波部队,三脚,与风暴骑士来对抗游戏玩家你的对手。When you reach the late game, you are basically going to want to use Shock Troopers, Annihilator Tripods, and Stormriders against your opponent.

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混编一些行星突击母舰,升级飞盘的震波部队,三脚,和毁灭战舰是很好的。Go with a nice mix of planetary assault carriers, shock troopers upgraded with plasma disc launchers, annihilator tripods, and devastator warships.

混编一些行星突击母舰,升级飞盘得震波部队,三脚,和毁灭战舰是很好得。Go with a nice mix of Planetary Assault Carriers, Shock Troopers upgraded with Plasma Disc Launchers , Annihilator Tripods, and Devastator Warships.

“Nod时常作演讲,”Cilia答道,“基本是关于Annihilator的新防范举措以及要求实行更严格的安全措施,现在我们知道这简直就是一个骗局。”"Nod gives them from time to time, " Cilia said. "It usually has to do with some new alert about the Annihilator that requires stricter security measures. Now we know what a fake that is.