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照片由约翰科利尔。Photo by John Collier.

好了,这是给你的谢谢,柯利尔先生。Okay, let's see now. Here you go. Thank you, Mr. Collier.

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科利尔和我就这样又谨慎又活跃地同那个饭摊泡上了。Collier and I infested the grub tent with care and activity.

俄勒冈州立大学的鲍勃Collier说,公平地说,数据阵列将彻底改变海洋学。OSU's Bob Collier says it's fair to say the data array will revolutionize oceanography.

罗伯特·科利尔说,”成功是微小的努力积聚而成,是日复一日的重复。Robert Collier said, “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”

牛津大学教授保罗-克里尔对莫桑比克选民教育水平的一项研究显示,答案是否定的。A study of voter education in Mozambique co-conducted by Oxford University professor Paul Collier says no.

有两次驶往美国的货轮上需要人干活都被思特里克兰德拒绝了,另外还有一艘到纽卡斯尔的煤船他也不肯去。Twice Strickland refused a berth on tramps sailing for the United States, and once on a collier going to Newcastle.

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但柯里尔县的民主党主席史蒂夫·翰平表示,利用学生捞些愤世嫉俗的政治本钱的正是共和党人自己。But Collier Democratic chairman Steve Hemping says it's the Republicans who are using students for cynical political gain.

毕业于马歇尔大学,是我校的资深教师,教授英语,社会研究和科学。Adam Collier , graduated from Marshall University, is a Veteran Teacher of SHSID, teaching English, Social Study and Science.

科利尔圆堆,一个煤渣堆,在三姐妹山北峰的北侧山脚。照片由俄勒冈州地矿局提供。Collier Cone, a cinder cone, at the north base of North Sister. Photo courtesy of the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.

“当你们一年里有半年的时间都在一起共患难,你最终就会和你的队友建立起很亲密的关系。”科利尔说道。"When you spend six months out of the year being miserable together, you wind up with a lot of close relationships with your teammates, " said Collier.

在二十世纪四十年代,科利尔带领一群人开始研究,一种大规模的生产方法,这种方法能制得牛痘病毒的可靠来源And so in the 1940s, a group of people led by Collier started to develop a large scale production method for making a reliable source of vaccinia virus.

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在一份声明中,柯里尔县教育局主管丹尼斯·汤普森提出了“在上课时间保障网络广播的后勤工作”。In a statement, Collier County schools superintendent Dennis Thompson cited "the logistics of making a webcast available during that time of the school day."

该案件涉及一艘法国蒸汽船与一艘土耳其运煤船在公海上的碰撞导致部分土耳其船员和乘客遇难。The case involved a collision on the high seas between a French steamer and a Turkish collier in which some Turkish crew members and passengers lost their lives.

Collier和Chauvet在他们的研究中对那些只向脆弱国家提供脱离困境的技术援助的捐赠机构提出了警告。In their study, Collier and Chauvet warn against the donor community simply providing technical assistance to the fragile states to help get them out of their situation.

克里尔相信,民众通过阅读Verdade了解民生话题以及自身之外的世界,会更积极地质询政府。Collier believes that reading Verdade's stories about issues affecting their lives and about a world beyond their own encouraged people to ask questions of their government.

Collier提到,“OpenStack的目标是要支持多种虚拟服务器,尽管当前发布的版本还不支持VMware和微软的Hyper-V。”Collier mentioned that “the goal of OpenStack is to support multiple hypervisors, although currently the release build is lacking support for both VMware and Microsoft's Hyper-V.”

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Collier还认为,出于经济原因,捐赠机构必须保持与脆弱国家的接触,因为他的研究表明,有“脆弱”邻国的国家,增长速度明显较慢。Collier also maintains donors need to stay involved with fragile states for economic reasons, with his research showing countries suffer measurably slower growth if they have a "fragile" neighbor.