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我说,光是那极品长弓的价值就差不多了!I mean, the cost of masterwork bows alone!

相反,让我们侧重于如何欣赏这幅杰作。Instead, it will focus on how to look at this masterwork.

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杰作武器和铠甲应当稀少而且昂贵。Masterwork weapons and armour should be rare and expensive.

查尔斯•达尔文诞生于1809年,并于50年后发表了他的巨著。Charles Darwin, born in 1809, published his masterwork in 1859.

在多年的研究之后,此时的性生活能够是大师的手笔。The act can be at this time can be a masterwork after years study.

不,为什么你会认为读名著是浪费时间呢?I don't think so. Why do you think reading a masterwork is wasting time?

一句话,这部电影是中国最具天赋的导演之一的杰作。This is simply a masterwork by one of the China's most gifted filmmakers.

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看到富人,伟人的鸿篇巨制是否也心潮澎湃???Are you surging your emotions after seeing richer or a masterwork of a great man?

它们仍然可以作为精致品匕首使用,但也可以用于收割傀儡使用。They remain useful as masterwork daggers, though designed for a harvest golem's use.

杰作铠甲降低穿甲惩罚鉴定1点,增加最大敏捷值1点。Masterwork armour reduces armour check penalties by 1, and increases the maximum Dex bonus by 1.

我揣测希尔斯教授永远无法设想他的学术著作会成我们的爱情信物,但是我非常珍爱它。I suspect Professor Hills never envisaged his scholarly masterwork as a love token, but I treasure it.

将两者放在一起,他是政治家们的杰作,为襁褓中新生的美国提供了未来的法律基础。Put together, they are a masterwork of statesmanship that would provide the legal foundation for the nascent United States.

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乔托的杰作是Scrovegni教堂装饰在帕多瓦,俗称竞技场礼拜堂,大约1305完成。Giotto's masterwork is the decoration of the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, commonly called the Arena Chapel, completed around 1305.

这是一处结合中国古典四合院建筑风格和长城全景的豪华院子。Ironstone. An architectural masterwork combining traditional Chinese courtyard design with sweeping views of the Great Wall of China.

几十年来,前苏联所有人都在想象沙德尔那丢失的原作是什么样子,总觉着应该跟后来的版本有着相当的差别。For decades, people across the Soviet Union imagined the lost masterwork as something quite different from what Mr. Shadr had created.

和设计圣保罗大教堂的克里斯多夫一样,乌特松蒙受了被迫辞职的羞辱,未能监督其杰作的后期工程。As with Sir Christopher Wren at St Paul's Cathedral, Utzon was humiliated and removed from overseeing the final stages of his masterwork.

四周气象萧疏,丘陵、天空和森林灰蒙蒙一片,仿佛水彩画家完成其杰作之前涂在画布上的一层淡淡的色彩。The landscape looks dull, with hills, sky and forest forming a single gray color, like the light tint an artist paints on a canvas before the masterwork.

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极品的互动故事,这个游戏不同于任何之前推出的。那些疯狂的山寨商蹂躏这个游戏已经超过15年了。A masterwork of interactive storytelling, this game was unlike any that came before it. Blatant imitators have been making games for more than 15 years now.

最初,我实在不敢相信这一切都是真的,还以为又是好莱坞那些精于拍摄灾难片的巨匠们的又一杰作。At first I could hardly believe all this was true, thinking it might have been another masterwork of those Hollywood super artists good at making disaster films.

实际上,他没把自己的得意之作叫为“相对论”而是“恒定理论”,因为它是建立在不变性和必然性之上。In fact, he considered calling his masterwork "Invariance Theory" rather than "Relativity Theory, " because it was based on underlying invariances and certainties.