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到时候我也许会仁慈一些。I may relent somewhat when the time comes.

这可能迫使宝钢软化了立场。That may have pressured Baosteel to relent.

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需求没有显示任何下降趋势,也许政府会放宽政策。Perhaps the government will relent. Demand shows no sign of slacking.

啊,你瞧,耐莉,他都不肯暂时发发慈悲好让我不进坟墓。Oh you see, Nelly, he would not relent a moment to keep me out of the grave.

有精力是好事,如果你还知道什么时候该宽厚,什么时候该温和些。Forcefulness is fine if you can also see when to relent and when to be gentle.

起初,印度尼西亚表示反对,很快态度就被迫有所缓和。At first the Indonesians were opposed to it, but soon they would be forced to relent.

但是他有他的弱点,他对医生心慈手软。But my husband hash is weaknesses, and he is so weak as to relent towards this Doctor.

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第一不要停止反恐,未来数年还需要阻击基地组织。First, don't relent on counter-terrorism. Al-Qaeda will need stopping for years to come.

但是,我们已经把基地逼上了一条失败之路,我们在实现目标之前不会松懈。But we have put al Qaeda on a path to defeat, and we will not relent until the job is done.

无论这项使命如何艰难,我们决不会妥协,直至赢得这场意识形态战争的胜利。And no matter how difficult the task may be, we will not relent until this ideological struggle is won.

但我们正在把‘基地’组织送上失败之路,我们不将其彻底击败决不罢休。But we have put al-Qaida on a path to defeat, and we will not relent until the job is done, ” Obama said.

爸爸开始沿着满是尘土的道路向家里走去,我迅速地跳上车紧跟其后,希望他能回心转意。Dad began walking along the dusty roads. I quickly jumped in the car and followed behind, hoping he would relent.

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她希望她母亲会对巴顿先生宽厚一点,但是她的想法也没得逞。She'd hoped that her mother might relent a little about the unsuitability of Mr. Barton, but her mind was made up.

他仍旧希望孩子的祖父会回心转意,看在儿子面上正式承认他。He still hoped that the child's grandfather might be induced to relent towards him, and acknowledge him for the sake of his son.

而在此之前他受到的更多的驳斥和奚落,但他并没有抱怨,而是继续埋头发展他的理论。For years all he received for his efforts was rejection and ridicule, yet he did not relent and continued developing his theories.

市长因缺水而禁止给草地浇水,不过如果水库满了,他可能会宽容一点。The Mayor has banned all lawn sprinkling because of the water shortage. However, if the reservoirs fill up, he may relent somewhat.

因为水紧张,市长已下令禁止对草坪浇水。但是,如果水库蓄满了水,市长还是不会这么严厉限水的。The mayor has banned all lawn sprinkling because of the water shortage. However, if the reservoirs fill up, he may relent somewhat.

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艺术家的出走造成利奥三世有所松口,他容许了教会的墙壁上的绘画人物的存在,但继续禁止雕塑的出现。This artistic diaspora caused Leo to relent somewhat and he allowed painted figures on the walls of eastern churches but continued the prohibition of sculpture.

用了9个月时间,作为华为印度市场的执行主席杨凯军,正如他所说,通过数百次会议,华为终于说服印度监管部门放松了监管。Only after nine months and, as Huawei India Chief Executive Officer Yang Kaijun, puts it, “hundreds of meetings” did Huawei persuade Indian regulators to relent.

直到康斯坦再度与他面谈,提醒他这个活动看上去会有多糟糕──如果情形失控的话还可能引发法律问题──他才最终平息下来。Only when Ms. Konstan visited him again and reminded him of how bad it might look -- and potential legal bills if things got out of hand -- did he finally relent.