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酒有桶的味道。The wine is tanged with cask.

桶上的塞子很脏。The tap on the cask was dirty.

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他旋开桶塞汲取苹果酒。He tapped off cider from a cask.

他打开桶塞放出桶里的苹果酒。He tapped off cider from a cask.

我们要钻孔开启另一个酒桶吗?Shall we broach another cask of wine?

酒从木桶的一个孔冒了出来。Wine started from a hole in the cask.

准备好了。我还带了一整桶威士忌!Yep. And I brought a cask full of whiskey!

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他从酒桶里倒了些白兰地。He drew some cognac from the cask into a tin cannikin.

“一桶阿蒙帝来多酒!”菲顿纳多重复着,“在哪里?”"A cask of Amontillado! " Fortunato repeated. "Where is it?"

酒石形成于酒的发酵桶的内侧。Tartar forms on the inside of a cask in which wine is fermented.

“我们到了,”我说,“我把那桶阿蒙帝来多酒放在那儿。”"Here we are, " I said. "I hid the cask of Amontillado in there.

坐下来欣赏这个苏格兰威士忌成化的木桶吧。Sit back and enjoy watching this cask of Scottish whisky maturing.

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基尔加丹将盛放耐奥祖灵魂的冰冷容器送回了艾泽拉斯的世界。Kil'jaeden cast Ner'zhul's icy cask back into the world of Azeroth.

可是我一时找不到你,又担心他会把整桶的阿蒙帝来多酒卖给别人。But I couldn't find you and I was afraid he would sell the cask of Amontillado to someone else.

这里,品尝者摘取了艾莱岛上的布鲁克莱迪克酿酒厂一个酒桶里的样本。Here, a taster draws a sample from a cask at the Bruichladdich distillery on the Isle of Islay.

当酒精发酵结束后,跟红葡萄酒一样,白葡萄酒被放入木桶中陈酿之后装瓶。When fermentation is over, the wine is put in cask and raked, just like a red wine then it is bottled.

“我们这是在哪?”菲顿纳多问道,“我想你所说的阿蒙帝来多酒是在你的酒窖里。”"Where are we?" Fortunato asked. "I thought you said the cask of Amontillado was in your wine cellar. "

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今天,我们生产了10种不同的葡萄酒,六红四白葡萄品种,都可以瓶装或桶装。Today we produce over 10 different wines, 6 Red and 4 White varietals, all are available in bottle or cask.

当普罗米修斯忙于教人类生活的艺术时,留了一个大的盒子给阿皮米修斯照看。When he was busy with teaching men the art of living, Prometheus had left a big cask in the care of Epimetheus.

但就个人而言,我对于麦卡伦雪莉双桶威士忌的推出更感兴奋,因为这是我们希望在未来继续发展的主要系列。But personally, I am more excited about the Double Cask because this is the core line that we hope to continue in the future.