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我是政治迷。I'm a politics junky.

你现在是一名冒险狂了?。So, you're an adrenaline junky now?

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我基本上是个媒体迷而且现在依然如此。I was basically a media junky and still am.

我明白你为什么要偷,因为你是个瘾君子。I understand why you stole, because you're a junky.

我的新车在任何一天去赛车,都能赢过她的旧汽车的。My car could win in a race against her junky car any day!

用垃圾零食取代坚果你将不能取得一点益处。Replace junky snacks with them and you won't gain an ounce.

我在哪里可以看电影赛道繁杂的网上免费全速?Where can I watch Speedway Junky movie online free full stream?

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很快的,你就会开始像所有毒瘾者一样鬼迷心窍的渴望得到那种感觉。Soon, you start craving that attention with the hungry obsession of any junky.

现在,我并非要聊那种你在糖果店找到的那种劣质巧克力棒。Now I’m not talking about the junky chocolate bars you find in the candy counter.

是记住这些一只蓝镜片一只红镜片的粗制眼睛?Remember those junky glasses, with a blue lens for one eye and a redone for the other?

多少次我运用我的影响力使你和你的某一个吸毒男友不用坐牢?How many times did I use my influence to keep you or one of your junky boyfriends out of jail?

我的小姑娘未来大概也是时尚达人,八岁生日的时候居然要了一把潘顿椅做礼物。She is a future style junky in the making as she requested the Panton chair for her 8th birthday.

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如里你廉价的酷酷的新裙子带丝带,它很有可能看起来不怎么样。If your cool, inexpensive new dress comes with a sash, chances are that said sash is junky looking.

公司进口产品以再生资源行业的废杂铜、铝、不锈钢、废旧电机为主。It mainly imports renewable resources industry scrap copper, aluminum, stainless steel, junky electrical machine.

总体而言,吃了快餐饮食的3岁孩子的8.5岁智商相对吃健康食品的孩子们有小幅下跌。Overall, kids who ate junky fast-food diets at age 3 had a small drop in IQ at age 8.5, compared with kids eating healthy foods.

现在这个好消息就是你所要做的是就是要到针织品店,买一些看起来更贵的纽扣把原来那些糟糕的塑料纽扣换下来。The good news is that all you have to do is go to a fabric store, buy more expensive looking buttons and replace those junky plastic ones.

带孩子去过麦当劳的父母都知道,那些快乐儿童餐随赠的小玩意一堆一堆的,我总会在整理玩具的时候扔掉一些废旧的,可是孩子想起来的时候就会到处找。Anyone who's been to McDonalds knows how those junky little Happy Meal toys pile up. Periodically I clean out the toy box and toss the older ones.

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妳知道我的感受.我希望妳如愿被调走,或许和杜同室,或是和每晚在对床发毒瘾的毒犯关在一起?Then you know how I feel. I hope you get your move, maybe you'll get put in with Dockley or how does a junky sound, junking every night on the bunk opposite?

自从我第一次坐深水潜艇潜下水面,当我下到海底,关了灯,看到这个像烟火秀一般的景像时,我成了一个生物发光迷。Since my my first dive in a deep-diving submersible, when I went down and turned out the lights and saw the fireworks displays, I've been a bioluminescence junky.

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