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新增的用户名和后缀,以新的电子邮件。Add user name and postfix to new email.

中缀表达式到后缀表达式的转换Converting infix notation to postfix notation

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从左到右读入后缀表达式Read the postfix expression from left to right.

中缀表达式到后缀表达式的转换Converting infix expression to a postfix expression

前缀和后缀表示法有三项公共特征Prefix and postfix notation have three common features

这是搜狐邮件主机的邮件修复程序发给您的邮件。This is the Postfix program at host mx75. mail. sohu. com.

在后缀表示法中,操作符位于操作数后面。In postfix notation, the operator comes after its operands.

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是否真的有比前缀,后缀式操作符的优先级更高?Does Postfix operator really has a higher precedence than prefix?

到后缀表达式末尾,从堆栈中弹出结果。At the end of the postfix expression, pop a result from the stack.

针对上述问题,设计了一个邮件服务器系统。Aiming at these questions, we design an E-mail system based on Postfix.

若后缀表达式格式正确,那么堆栈应该为空。If the postfix expression was correctly formed, the stack should be empty.

对后缀表达式求值比直接对中缀表达式求值简单。Evaluating a postfix expression is simpler than directly evaluating an infix expression.

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如果您不能够弹出两个操作数,后缀表达式的语法就不正确。If you could not pop two operators, the syntax of the postfix expression was not correct.

您也可以选择指定一个1到4个字符长以字母A至Z的优惠券后缀字串。You have the option to assign a 1-4 character coupon postfix using the letters A through Z.

和中缀转换后缀的算法相反,那是把操作符存储在栈里。This is the opposite of the infix to postfix translation algorithm, where operators were stored on the stack.

要把表达式从中缀表达式的形式转换成用后缀表示法表示的等价表达式,必须了解操作符的优先级和结合性。To convert an expression in an infix expression to its equivalent in postfix notation, we must know the precedence and associativity of operators.

在后缀表达式中,不需要括号,而且操作符的优先级也不再起作用了。In postfix notation, the need for parentheses is eliminated and the priority of the operators is no longer relevant. You can use the following algorithm to evaluate postfix expressions