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克格勃可从来没有这种东西。The KGB never had anything like it.

我在克格勃的老朋友们都很鄙视格勒乌。My old friends at KGB despise the GRU.

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这一怀疑污染了四个人为克格勃所做的工作。This suspicion tainted the KGB careers of all four.

现在,克格勃归档拥有最高的压缩率的地方!Now, KGB Archiver holds the highest compression rate place!

负责审讯的克格勃官员把我推进了档案室。The interrogating KGB officer pushes me against a filing cabinet.

他没有克格勃联系,符合现代技术官僚的轮廓。Free of all KGB connections, he fits the profile of the modern technocrat.

奥列格•鲁斯基,一名假扮成伦敦律所移民律师的克格勃特工。Oleg Luski-- A KGB agent posing as an immigration attorney for a London firm.

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是克格勃从迷惘中拯救了普京--把他从一个孩子变成了一个男子汉。It was the KGB that rescued Putin from obscurity—and turned the child into the man.

克格勃利用了德米特里·杜德科神父恐惧二进宫的心理以及害怕同家人再度分开的心情。The KGB played on his fears of renewed imprisonment and separation from his family.

那位克格勃官员刚从非洲回来,带了一个小型望远镜。The KGB officer had just returned from Africa, and he had brought a small telescope.

克格勃的档案表明,克格勃中一个极有权力的部门是这么认为的。The KGB files show that a powerful section of the KGB believed that this was the case.

他们可不想让人们知道克格勃的前辈们干的好事,更不想让人知道它们程度有多深。They don't want people to know what their KGB predecessors were doing, or its huge scope.

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他说,克格勃事先得到了报告,获悉克雷布要对。He said the KGB got advance warning of Grabbe's mission against the cruiser Ordzhonikidze.

西方或许过分想将普京归为自由主义者、中央经济统治论者或者克格勃。The west may have tried too hard to pigeonhole Mr Putin, as a liberal, statist or KGB man.

尽管他的成就和名望,尤金在1948年12月22日被克格勃逮捕。Despite his achievements and popularity, Yudin was arrested by the KGB on December 22, 1948.

曾身为KGB分析人士的Panarin如今成了一名学者,差不多每天都收到两份采访邀请。Panarin, formerly a KGB analyst and now an academic, gets about two interview requests a day.

他是一个俄罗斯寡头政治执政者,同时也曾是前苏联国家安全委员会以前在伦敦的代理人。to Alexander Lebedev , a Russian oligarch and former KGB agent who was based once in the city.

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而苏联特务组织——克格勃也向当局发出紧急信息警告他们要准备迎接一场可能发生的核战争。The KGB sent a flash message to its operatives warning them to prepare for possible nuclear war.

他曾考虑抢劫银行来还清他的债务,但又觉得像KGB兜售机密来得更容易一些。He considered bank robbery to alleviate his debts but deemed it easier to peddle secrets to the KGB.

如今她依靠德国联邦情报局的退休金在德国南部生活。She was pregnant with the child of a KGB officer and now lives on a BND pension in southern Germany.