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你是这么说的吗?Sayest thou so?

你走得太慢慢腾腾了!How slow thou art!

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为你必须离去。For thou must die.

你信这话吗。Believest thou this?

不可杀人。Thou shalt not kill.

你在这里作什么呢。What hast thou here?

你别皱眉好吗?Wilt thou not frown?

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像你一样美丽。So beautiful as thou.

难道你不肯爱他吗?Wilt thou not love him?

你到水洼里来吧!Come thou into the pool!

你在飘飞,你在奔波。Thou dost float and run.

我不会比你更神圣。I'm not holier than thou.

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可是你懂得怎样等待。Thou knowest how to wait.

汝永不能成功。Thou shall never succeed.

你最爱的人是我。I know thou lov'st but me.

汝为何将我遗弃?Why hast thou forsaken me?

我认为你来得太迟了!Methinks thou art too late!

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现在你是我的副将了。Now art thou my lieutenant.

叫我在祢的道中生活。Quicken thou me in thy way.

你就是那金头。Thou art this head of gold.