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加一个双杆吗?A double rod?

,哦,对不起,是杆子。Oh, sorry, the rod.

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就象荧光棒?。Like a lighting rod?

这里有一个杆子。We have the rod here.

小枝拱曲,有两棱。Rod arched, have two edge.

小枝红色或暗褐色。Gules or rod is dark Brown.

棕色中等尺寸的拉杆箱。Medium-sized brown box rod.

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她把窗帘挂在衣竿上。She hung curtains on a rod.

他把一根铁棒锉成两截。He filed an iron rod in two.

小枝具大叶痕。Rod provides big cicatricle.

对,我还想买个鱼杆。Yes I also want a fishing rod.

她把窗帘挂在衣竿上。ROD】She hung curtains on a rod.

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突然鱼竿动了动。Suddenly the fishing rod moves.

藤蔓缠绕着这个柱子。The vine twines around the rod.

他们用桦条鞭打他。They beat him with a birch rod.

什么动物会用“鱼杆”来“钓鱼”?Which animal uses a fishing rod?

曲轴箱连杆密封件损坏。Worn crankcase piston rod seals.

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想象一下铁棒从头顶射过。Imagine that rod shooting upwards.

惜了棍子害了儿。/孩子不大不成器。Spare the rod and spoil the child.

它们在一起的组合叫燃料棒。The assembly is called a fuel rod.