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我们想法一致,召唤师。We are in accord, summoner.

你关不住我的,召唤师。You cannot cage me, Summoner.

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只有你可以听到我的话,召唤师。Only you can hear me, summoner.

你确定能把到我么,召唤师?Sure you can handle me, summoner?

别忽略你的直觉,召唤师。Do not deny your instincts, summoner.

你确定你能应付我,召唤师?Are you sure you can handle me, summoner?

谁是你的召唤师?他是做什么的?Who is your summoner and what does he do?

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修正了召唤者资料中的一些输入错误。Fixed a typo on the Masteries page in the Summoner Profile.

稍后,您可以找到更多的传票,与召唤类,特别是。Later on you can find more summons, especially with the summoner class.

总之,这是命脉中的每一个召唤联盟的传奇。In short, it is the lifeblood of every Summoner in the League of Legends.

外观,风格,和你的召唤能力已经将完全取决于您。The look, style, and abilities your Summoner has will be entirely up to you.

要想应对像走路不稳这样的断药症状,那个温顺的传唤者需要一些策略。It takes the tame summoner tactics to tackle the withdrawal symptoms like stumbling.

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一个英雄想要依靠他的召唤师来跨越艰难险阻,将会更加困难。It will be harder for a champion to rely on their summoner to traverse hazards and obstacles.

修正了一个问题,致使召唤师物品栏不足在某些情况导致系统重新启动。Fixed an issue that was causing Summoner Inventory to not persist through system restarts in some cases.

召唤师属性中的最常用英雄现在将显示3个最常使用的的角色。The Most Played Champions section of the Summoner Profile will now display the top 3 most played champions.

地穴怪身边是三个精英级洞穴妖怪。他会使用基本的召唤师攻击技能,此外,还拥有一项特殊技能。The Kergrim will be surrounded by three elite Cave-claws. He will use basic Summoner attacks. He will have one special skill.

有几个已经确定了的,比如说骷髅召唤者和异型兽的死亡动画都是手工制作的,每次它们死掉的时候都会播放这些手制动画。We have a few in there, like the skeletal summoner and grotesque, that have hand-made death animations and those will play through every time.