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破坏「古典前千禧年派」的观点。Does undercut a classic pre- millennial outlook.

我室友的寓言正符合这世纪之交的气候。My roommate's fable fits this pre- millennial climate perfectly.

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当基督重返尘世时,他将建立一个千年王国。At Christ's return to earth, he will establish a millennial kingdom.

我希望听到年轻人的声音,听到千禧一代的声音。I want to hear the voice of the young global shapers and millennial.

在千禧一代里有积极进取精神的人也开始起作用。The go-getter spirit of the millennial generation also comes into play.

无千禧年派比较正确理解基督的末世王权。A- millennial does better justice to the eschatological kingship of Christ.

但是,Colker说,微志愿“对千禧世代而言非常合适。But microvolunteerism, Colker says, "is perfectly suited for the Millennial Generation.

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零零后使用的其他俚语表达的起源要比“网络缩略词”复杂得多。The origins of other millennial slang expressions are more complicated than "totesing".

旅游向北参观千年城墙的小镇狭窄的街道奥比多斯如画。Travel northwards to visit millennial walled town called Obidos with picturesque narrow streets.

随着具有千年历史的牛街地区的改造加快,北京最大的穆斯林聚居区面貌已焕然一新。With the millennial transformation of the observed region, Beijing's largest Muslim group has new outlook.

它确实挽救了人命,那些原教旨主义犹太教激进分子为了推进其千禧年之梦而愿意牺牲的人命。It saves lives, lives fundamentalist Jewish radicals would risk in order to advance their millennial dreams.

千禧一代显然对哈丁的警告不以为然,每天都在颂扬全球“公地”。The millennial generation is celebrating the global commons every day, apparently unmindful of Hardin's warning.

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毕竟,对新生代员工颇为不满的婴儿潮经理们正是娇惯出新千年一代的父母们。After all, the grumbling baby-boomer managers are the same indulgent parents who produced the millennial generation.

一些研究报告指出,新千年一代之所以心高气傲,是因为有一种自我优越感。Some research studies indicate that the millennial generation's great expectations stem from feelings of superiority.

千百年尺度全球气候快速变化是古气候研究中的一个重要内容。Rapid climate changes at millennial and centennial scales are one of the most important aspects in Paleoclimate study.

此奖杯是都柏林建城1000年纪念时留下的奖品,其造型为有角的维京人头盔。The trophy was commissioned as part of Dublin's millennial celebrations and is in the shape of a horned Viking helmet.

我认为,那些首份工作综合症患者最好跳槽,这让我听起来就像是一个宠坏的“千禧一代”。My view that those afflicted by first job syndrome are better off moving may make me sound like an over-entitled millennial.

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有一天要来,像俄陀聂一样,我们也将坐在宝座上与基督一同掌权,管辖列国。There is a day coming when, like Othniel, we, too, shall judge the nations, and rule and reign with Christ on the millennial earth.

有人或许认为,零零后的俚语拉低了英语的档次,不过墨尔本大学的语言学家罗赛•比林顿却持不同观点。Some people might think that millennial slang debases the English language, but Melbourne University linguist Rosey Billington doesn't agree.

一个“千禧一代”的选民前去投票,但不允许他自拍选票并把这一瞬间发布到社交媒体上,这事儿不会真的发生过吧?If a millennial voter goes to the polls but isn't allowed to take a *ballot selfie to document the moment on social media, did it really happen?