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不不,太冒险了。Nah, too risky.

但是,这是一场危险的游戏。But it is a risky game.

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拍摄野熊是个危险的活儿。Photographing bears is risky.

这同样是一个冒险的提议。It is also a risky proposition.

光是雌激素是没有那么危险。Oestrogen alone is not so risky.

抱怨也是一种危险的选择。Whingeing is a risky option too.

那样做是冒险和不平衡的。That would be risky and unbalanced.

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短期投资于总过是非常有风险的。Short-term investing in China is risky.

开着那台老爷车四处跑还挺危险的。It is risky to drive that old car around.

没有风险的钱要比有风险的钱好。Riskless money is better than risky money.

心脏病患血压低会有危险?Low Blood Pressure Risky for Heart Patients?

由于太过危险,郑拒绝了他们的请求。Zheng turned them down because it was risky.

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借钱买股票是有风险的。Borrowing to buy stocks is going to be risky.

避免铺张浪费或风险性财务方案。Avoid extravagance or risky financial schemes.

——如果你不与客户签合同就开始工作的话,是非差有风险的。Working without a contract is extremely risky.

侦察是一项危险的行动,但这个险值得冒。Scouting is a risky maneuver but it can pay off.

在危险的活动里可以佩戴有保护作用的的眼睛护具。Wear protective eyewear during risky activities.

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但不可否认这是个具有风险的策略。But there is no denying this is a risky strategy.

穿着纸装去海滩是件冒险的事。A paper suit is a risky thing to wear to the beach.

当地人使用一台人工缆车渡河,这是非常冒险的事。The locals use a man-made cable car. It's so risky.