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该舰队停在岬角外。The fleet lay off the headland.

风暴使舰队的半数舰只搁浅。The storm beached half the fleet.

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加入赛隆舰队选项。Incorporate the Cylon Fleet option.

太平洋舰队得到了食物补给。The Pacific Fleet got revictualled.

新舰队向日本出发。The new fleet is sailing for Japan.

狮航经营的全部是波音机队。Lion Air operates an all-Boeing fleet.

这支船属于一个满载着宝物的舰队。The ship was part of a treasure fleet.

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_夏威胰是美国太平洋舰队的基地。Hawaii is home to the US Pacific Fleet.

水寨淹没在一片火之海中。The whole fleet sank into a sea of fire.

停着一条收帆的船队,桅杆There berth a fleet of ships at half-mast

我们的联合舰队最近进行了重新编队。Our combined fleet has recently re-formed.

现在接近机器人技术舰队。注意。Now approaching Robotech fleet. Look sharp.

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时至今日空军已经拥有633架KC-135加油机。Today the fleet retains 633 KC-135 tankers.

他靠一队家具搬运车赚钱。He made his money with a fleet of moving vans.

摩根范佛里特在布恩斯伯勒是高三。Morgan Van Fleet is a senior at Boonsboro High.

这些构成俄罗斯登陆艇舰队支柱。They are the base of the Russian Landing Fleet.

他是我在新闻界的一位旧交。Fleet Street is a journalistic center in London.

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那辆拉风的车是公司车队中的一员。The flash car is one of a fleet of company cars.

这支舰队护送母舰进港。The fleet convoyed the mothership into the port.

一支英国舰队在特拉法尔加击败了法国人。A British fleet defeated the French at Trafalgar.