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他的建议似有诈。His suggestion smells of trickery.

他有弄虚作假的嫌疑。He is suspected of employing trickery.

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的是的,你可以在这里做一些挂羊头卖狗肉与。Yes, you could do some trickery here with.

那里没有钢条、没有磁铁也没有电脑欺骗。No steel rods, no magnets, no computer trickery.

既不诱供也不逼供。Neither trickery nor coercion is used to secure confessions.

我不过靠了诡计才比它强的,可它对我并无恶意。I am only better than him through trickery and he meant me no harm.

专家认为下载者是特洛伊木马的原因是它们使用了诡计。The reason experts consider droppers to be trojans is their use of trickery.

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最终这一天演变成了一个更轻松的纪念节日,该节日包括恶作剧和欺骗等活动。It eventually evolved into a lighter commemoration involving pranks and trickery.

没有哪一个政党,耍弄这样的政治阴谋和经济欺骗后还可以存在下去的。No party could survive such a record of political trickery and financial jugglery.

注意,要得到结果节点的内容,也必须稍微费点事。Note that you have to do a little trickery to get at the contents of the result nodes, too.

现在拜仁有很多灵巧的球员,比如里贝里和罗本,还有一些个人能力出色的球员。Now Bayern have a lot of trickery with Ribery and Robben, and some other individual match winners.

参加1020年的诡计里,一个有组织的淘气和随机失误探险旅程。Join in on the expedition of 1020 Trickery Lane, a journey of organized mischief and random mishaps.

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但是不管是用魔法还是使用某种诡计,我相信在这只有一个地方他们能去的。But whether through magic or some form of trickery , I believe there is only one place they would go.

对弄虚作假的项目,国家农发办有权终止或收回该项目的贴息资金。NACDO has the right to end or recall the discount interest funds of the projects that employ trickery.

这段问答的话,是历代帝皇相传的治国权术之精髓所在。This question and answer, then, is the ancient legend of the Emperor of the essence of the rule of trickery.

菁菁校园,谁来保卫高校这一块净土,权术的买卖,灵魂的角力!Cyanine cyanine campus, who will defend college this piece of pure land, trickery transactions, soul wrestling!

要实现这一点,投资者要看到或听到的可不只是金融上的小花招和酸掉牙的意大利情歌。For that to happen, investors will need to be offered more than financial trickery and cheesy Italian love songs.

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他立马吸引了人们的目光,他的技术和过人在荷甲联赛中让他获得了好评。The 18-year-old caught the eye right away and his skill and trickery in the Eredivisie has won him many admirers.

如果编造一个令人难以置信的幸存故事或一个令人轻信的诡计更适合极端分子的终结的话,那愿意信的人就去信吧。If it suits extremist ends to spin a fantastical tale of survival or trickery to gullible ears, expect to hear it.

然而当车被释放的时候,实验性的诡计被运用了以便使玩具车因受木块的阻挡而停止。And yet when the car was released, experimental trickery was used so that the block didn't stop the car's progress.