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乡村的牧师住宅,四周静谧得难以名状。Nothing can describe the peace that surrounded the country parsonage.

他们还建议耶茨先生随他们一起回家,在牧师住宅消磨一个晚上。Yates's accompanying them and spending the evening at the Parsonage. But Mr.

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从出版社寄给夏洛蒂的包裹或信件一定会寄到家中,难道他不会发现吗?Letters and packages from publishers were sent to Charlotte at the Parsonage.

随后,配备枪械的保安想办法保护马丁.路德.金,在他的牧师住宅里,有段时间枪支也成了常见物品。Armed guards sought to protect King after that, and for a time guns were commonplace in his parsonage.

玛丽乐意目前以牧师住宅为家,亨利同样愿意继续客居下去。Mary was satisfied with the Parsonage as a present home, and Henry equally ready to lengthen his visit.

班纳特太太,承蒙凯瑟琳?德?包尔夫人的厚爱提拔我担任教区牧师的职位。Mrs Bennet, I have been bestowed by the good grace of Lady Catherine de Bourgh a parsonage of no mean size.

她觉得有些痛苦,她在已经走到牧师住宅对过的围墙门口,因此又觉得很兴奋。It distressed her a little, and she was quite glad to find herself at the gate in the pales opposite the Parsonage.

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在这段时间里,费茨威廉到牧师家来拜望过好多次,但是达西先生却没有来过,他们仅仅是在教堂里才见到他。Colonel Fitzwilliam had called at the parsonage more than once during the time, but Mr. Darcy they had only seen at church.

从过厅门口往前走五十码,她可以顺着花园往下看去,牧师公馆及其所有园地尽收眼底。By walking fifty yards from the hall door, she could look down the park, and command a view of the parsonage and all its demesnes.

第二年,他妻子去世,他妻子的妹妹伊丽莎白布朗威尔从此来到这所牧师住宅来照看6个布朗蒂儿女们。他们是5个女孩儿和一个男孩布朗威尔。The next year his wife died, and her sister, Elizabeth Branwell, came to the parsonage to care for the six Brontë children, five girls and one boy, Branwell.

我所以要提到那个地方,就因为我当初应该得到的一份牧师俸禄就在那儿。那是个非常好玩的地方!那所牧师住宅也好极了!各方面都适合我。I mention it, because it is the living which I ought to have had. A most delightful place! -- Excellent Parsonage House! It would have suited me in every respect.

人物活动的场所主要在客厅,会议室,牧师和教区长住宅,散步的时尚街头,或者乡间别墅。Their roles are played out in the drawing room, the assembly room, the Parsonage or Rectory, the fashionable street for promenading, or the grounds of the country house.

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去那斯戈弗莱尔家,最近的路,是走一条行人稀少的街,马德兰先生住的那一区的本堂神甫的住宅便在那条街上。In order to reach this Scaufflaire, the shortest way was to take the little-frequented street in which was situated the parsonage of the parish in which M. Madeleine resided.