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哦,请你们别胡思乱想了。Oh, please do not suggest anything incestuous.

Lindsay则认为,雅虎管理人员过于“近亲繁殖”,需要注入新的理念。"Yahoo is too incestuous. It needs an infusion of new ideas," Lindsay says.

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真实生活是不可能像演员或者数学家世界那样如此狭小的。Real life is probably not as incestuous as the worlds of actors or mathematicians.

不仅仅是新闻集团董事会排外的组织结构让其股东感到懊恼。IT IS not just the incestuous make-up of News Corporation's board that annoys its shareholders.

著名埃及古物学者扎西•哈瓦斯称,在埃及王室中,近亲联姻非常普遍。Incestuous alliances were common among Egypt's royalty, said renowned Egyptologist Zahi Hawass.

在一些国家,比如意大利,犯罪的政治家被整个国家所憎恨,嘲笑和回避。In some countries—Italy, say— incestuous politics is resented, mocked or circumvented by the rest of the country.

他发现现代家族式圈养带来的小地域的繁殖使基因交流渐渐停滞。In particular, he deplores the incestuous narrowing of the gene pool that modern pedigree breeders have brought about.

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除了是欧洲人数最多的皇室之外,它也是姻亲关系最混乱的王室之一,尤其是在西班牙君主国中。Besides being the most numerous royal family in Europe, it also is one of the most incestuous , especially in the Spanish Monarchy.

更惨的是,老妈进来看到了这一切,因为我是个基佬,而且还是个和弟弟乱搞的基佬。很快,我被转学到了军校!If this wasn't bad enough, my mom walked in and now thinks I am gay and incestuous with my brother and now I'm being shipped off to military school.

不妨点击上述链接,看看证券投资界为他们在华盛顿的伙伴们提供了多少支持以及这种支持到底有多频繁。Please review these links and see how much and how often Securities and Investment Firms have provided backing for their incestuous partners in Washington.

除了我不确定我是否想完全沉浸在硅谷深奥的文化中外,我也说不清楚原因,当时硅谷文化有些混乱。I am not entirely sure, other than I wasn’t certain I wanted to be fully immersed in the neck-deep culture of the Valley, which can at times be a bit incestuous.

一个强有力的欧洲银行监管机构可以结束银行与政府之间复杂的渗透关系,并且对国家主权和财政政策的影响都要小得多。A powerful European banking agency could end the incestuous relationship between banks and regulators, while interfering much less with nations' sovereignty than dictating their fiscal policies.

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2月份关于图坦卡蒙DNA的研究报告表明,图坦卡蒙是一个身体十分虚弱的法老王,他受到疟疾和骨症的困扰。Instead, a DNA study released in February reported, King Tut was a frail pharaoh, beset by malaria and a bone disorder—his health possibly compromised by his newly discovered incestuous origins.