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你的助学金是做什么的?What kind of works you will do for this assistantship?

你认为他们会考虑我的研究生助教奖学金的申请吗?What kind of works you will do for this assistantship ?

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如果你能做到这些,就几乎能保证得到资助了。If you can do this, you are almost guaranteed an assistantship.

您的助教为一年,那么又如何?Your assistantship is for one year, then how about the following years?

我在教育学院的助教工作使我能够支付学费。My teaching assistantship in the School of Education helped me pay tuition.

好的例如教学或研究的助教职务。A good example is a university job like a teaching or research assistantship.

一个好的例子就是大学工作象教学或者研究奖学金。A good example is a university job like a teaching or research assistantship.

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感谢贵校录取并提供助教奖学金。Thank you for admission and granting financial assistance of teaching assistantship.

你的助学金只有一年的,我怎么相信你下一年能得到助学金?Your assistantship is for one year, can you convince me that you can get it next years?

由于经济上我还不能资助自己的学业,故我真诚地希望能获得助教资格。As I am unable to finance my own education, I earnestly hope to obtain an assistantship.

作为一名想获得资助的学生,最简易的途径或许就是从学校内部得到帮助。If you have a high scores, you may be given a teaching assistantship to help defray costs.

十分感谢您给予我从1999年秋季开始的奖学金。I am very appreciative of your kindness in awarding me an assistantship beginning Fall 1999.

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同时,如果到那时你们能考虑给我助教职位我将感激不尽。In the meantime. Is shall be appreciative if you would consider m for an assistantship then.

在大学任助教或助理研究员就是个不错的例子。A good example a university job like a teaching or research asistanshipresearch assistantship.

有。得到助教奖学金的被要求做20小时的教学或研究的工作。Yes, assistantship holders are required to teach 20 hours or to do 20 hours of research a week.

比尔已向哈佛大学申请助教职位,但他得到它的可能性很小。Bill has applied to Harvard University for a teaching assistantship but his chances of getting it are slim.

虽然我自费入学,但我仍希望在我入学后,能考虑给我一个半职助教职位。Although I am coming with my own funds, I do hope you will consider me for a part time assistantship after enrollment.

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首先,你所提供的助教的工作可以丰富我的经历这正是我热切希望的。First, your teaching assistantship program would provide me with the practical teaching experience I am eager to acquire.

此外,该助教奖学金包括对非定居以及定居人员免除所有的与学位相关的课程作业与论文的教育费。In addition, the assistantship carries with it an exemption from non-resident and resident educational fees for all degree-related course work.

为了一个可能的研究或教学助学金而想吸引我的注意力的学生请注意不要用邮箱给我发你们的学分。Students swishing to attract my attention for a possible research or teaching assistantship should not send me a generic email with their credentials.