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你可以露天就餐。You may dine alfresco.

他们在夏日傍晚时,常在户外用餐。They often dined alfresco in the summer evenings.

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你可以把车停在房子外面。You can esplanade your car alfresco the houtilize.

以星座命名的房间佩有露天阶梯式浴盆。Constellation rooms come with an alfresco terrace tub.

一件你经常搭配牛仔裤的女式衬衫,你完全可以在户外午餐时拿它与短裤搭配。A blouse you normally wear with jeans will look good with shorts for an alfresco lunch.

我们搬出了取暖器以保证您一年四季都可以享受在户外饮酒用餐的乐趣。We've pulled out out heaters and firepits to ensure alfresco fun is now all year round.

回头一看,只见一只奶牛歪着脑袋,对我们的野外作业表示由衷的艳羡。Turning around, we saw a solitary cow tilting its head, admiring our alfresco fumblings.

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客人可以根据自己的愿望,在敞开的露台享受美食,也可以在浪漫的沙滩享受烛光晚餐。Guests can also dine Alfresco on the open deck terrace or enjoy a candlelit dinner on the beach.

安排一次户外的会议可以是成为一间低碳公司的最简单的一步。Setting up an alfresco conference could be the simplest step to become a carbon neutral enterprise.

主要居住地包括3-4研究或计算机努克卧室。最多2个浴室加上露天。Main residence to consist of 3-4 bedrooms with study or Computer Nook. Up to 2 bathrooms plus alfresco.

在餐厅进行露天就餐更是颇受好评,同样受欢迎的还有新健身房和桑拿室。The alfresco dining in the refectory has been particularly well received, as has the new gym and sauna.

从阳光灿烂的客房户外阳台用餐选择,这是户外生活处于最佳状态。From balconies in sun-filled guest rooms to outdoor dining options, this is alfresco living at its best.

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长久以来,Alfresco一直将jBPM嵌入到其产品当中,今后也将继续对其提供支持。Alfresco has long embedded jBPM in their product offering, and will continue to support it going forward.

这家人坐在酒馆前面的露天座位上,酒馆的名字叫“白象”,可能想要表达一种晦暗的讥讽之意。The family sits alfresco in front of a pub whose name, the White Elephant, may be intended to convey a grim irony.

楼下提供私人休息室和晚餐摊位,地下室夹层提供露天餐饮。The downstairs offers private lounges and dinner booths with the basement mezzanine giving an option of alfresco dining.

在她四周,情侣手牵手漫步,一家人推著儿童推车,不时传来不同的语言,还有许多人在野餐。Around her, couples stroll hand-in-hand, families push strollers , different languages float by, and people dine alfresco.

六月份于优惠时段内,头100位入场车主更可获得两张早餐劵,让您于露天雅座下品尝丰富早餐!First 100 drivers can receive 2 breakfast cash vouchers during the free parking period in June to enjoy an alfresco breakfast!

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到达餐厅的大堂,人们可以看到餐厅的两个主要区域,室内用餐区和露天用餐区。Arriving at the restaurant's foyer, people can see the restaurant's two main areas, indoor dining area and alfresco dining area.

繁华的商店和户外餐馆一直开到深夜,假如你想要吃到值得回味的美餐,或逛一逛上海最时尚的商店,就到新天地吧。Well-heeled shoppers and alfresco diners keep the place busy until late, and if you are looking for a memorable meal or a browse through some of Shanghai's more fashionable shops, this is the place.