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马库斯,三条Marcus? Three.

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老天,那真是马可斯?Oh, my! Is that Marcus?

西利亚和马库斯去哪了?。Where's Celia and Marcus?

你要对马库斯说什么?What do you say to Marcus?

很大的惊讶吧。Big surprise, Marcus Welby.

而马库斯说的很对。So Marcus is absolutely right.

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对,-你怎么反驳马库斯呢?Yeah. -What do you say to Marcus?

你对马可斯有什么看法?What do you think of Marcus?- Nice.

这位电视法官,马库斯一直在看。The one Marcus watches all the time.

马可斯,你目前有工作吗?Are you working at the moment, Marcus?

它非常的不对称,对不对,马库斯It's very asymmetrical, right? Marcus?

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“这是一个分形问题,”马库斯说。“It’s a fractal problem, ” said Marcus.

相对于威尔的自私,马可斯是无私的。Marcus is selfless where Will is selfish.

布莱奇将球传给队长马库斯·弗林特。Bletchley passes it to captain Marcus Flint.

为什么我们总是干侦察的活,马库斯?Why are we always stuck doing recon, Marcus?

马库斯Aurelius是一位著名坚忍的哲学家。Marcus Aurelius is a famous stoic philosopher.

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马库斯呆立着,皱起眉头表情严肃。Marcus stood still and frowned with a serious face.

马克思投进了精彩的一球,替他那一队扭转了劣势。Marcus made a great shot and saved the day for his team.

屋大维的统治者,马库斯Lepidus,与马克安东尼。The rulers were Octavian, Marcus Lepidus, and Mark Antony.